I mean in terms of percentages.
And I don’t necessarily mean three full terms. 2.5 terms or 2.1 terms or anything nontrivially more than 2 (like, 10 minutes more doesn’t count) would qualify.
I mean in terms of percentages.
And I don’t necessarily mean three full terms. 2.5 terms or 2.1 terms or anything nontrivially more than 2 (like, 10 minutes more doesn’t count) would qualify.
If they want to do it by the book. Could just say the election is postponed due to martial law and the invasion from Mexico or Canada or whoever really it doesn’t seem to matter.
High chance he dies or goes full dementia in the next four years though. If he were 50 the chances of him stealing another term would be a lot higher. Prob just rig it more than it already is so they can’t lose and pick his successor.
Martial law does not prevent our elections from happening. That’s not “by the book”.
US has been at war most of its existence. That’s never prevented an election from occurring
Changing the amendment would be by the book. I’m saying they can just do anyway and tie it up in the courts that they control. And he has congress so he could whip up a frenzy and postpone the date indefinitely. If he’s still alive and has the threat of court cases restarting and new ones for whatever he gets up to this term you’ll need to literally drag him out he’ll have nothing to lose.
None of that is by the book. There’s no mechanism that lets the president stay in power by “tying things up in court”. Any attempt to do what you describe is just a coup.
And there’s zero chance that amendment gets passed. We can barely get a simple 50% majority for the budget passed.
Sir I’m saying doing it properly through changing the amendment is by the books and NOT what they’ll do. They’ll do a coup again.