Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.

Administrador da instância

Computer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal. instance administrator.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2021


  • I’m a native Portuguese speaker, fluent in English and can understand Spanish and French. Despite having had 3 years of French in school, I can no longer speak properly, and my writing is really bad, but I can understand pretty well. Spanish just comes to me because of the similarities with Portuguese, I never formally learned it.

  • How can I make using Arch Linux my personality

    That cracked me up x)

    Anyway, I’d say it’s good that the OS is out of your way once set it up. Even though I don’t use Arch directly, I like how comprehensive the AUR is (even though there may be repositories more packages, like nix and whatnot), think the ArchWiki (like the GentooWiki) is a very useful resource, even if you use a completely different system.

  • I went through my subscription list on FreeTube and filtered these out (the list was much lengthier initially :p)

    • Alt Shift X — well detailed and narrated videos about fantasy series such as Dune, ASOIAF.
    • Captain Disillusion — very well made videos about VFX.
    • Computerphile — computer science twin of Numberphile; neat videos about the field with a wide range of guests.
    • EthosLab — pretty much the only Minecraft creator I still watch; witty, quiet and virtually the same for a long time.
    • hbomberguy — well known video essayist, easily one of the best in the platform
    • Jacob Geller — another quality essayist, exploring different themes, such as horror
    • Lemino — very well known creator focusing on mysteries, with incredible narration and stunning visuals
    • LockPickingLawyer — very simple, to the point and informative channel about locks and lockpicking; also virtually unchanged for years
    • Oversimplified — great overviews of major history events and periods, with funny narration and visuals
    • Tantacrul — fairly unknown essayist on music, with well researched material and nice takes :P
    • Then & Now — possibly my favorite atm (alongside hbomberguy); extremely well researched and presented video essays about history, politics and philosophy; very underrated imo