• 11 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024


  • world is based on Denmark iirc

    Nope. I’m not sure which but I’m 100% certain that it’s based in either Canada or the US

    per Denmark law, it’s illegal to discuss jury nullification in regards to future crime

    No such law here either. Just like in the US, it might lead you to not being selected, but it’s not illegal.

    Let’s do [crime] and then we can get people on our side to do jury nullification" is illegal

    True, but it’s only the "let’s do crime that’s (conditionally) illegal. The mention of jury nullification doesn’t make it any more or less illegal to probably and knowingly advocate crime.

    Anyway, since that kind of thing is EXTREMELY difficult to prove, it’s exceedingly rare that anyone gets punished for that particular crlme, making your point a moot one.

    In conclusion: I feel completely safe in stating the truth that when the law and the systems it protects is unjust, the just break the law and others should try and help them avoid undue or excessive punishment in Denmark.

  • Other than paying much smarter, more skilled, and generally better people to do stuff and take credit for their work, throwing out random shit and demanding that others make it happen is literally ALL he’s done professionally since he made a Space Invaders clone as a kid. That and self-promoting.

    He’s the richest man in the world and also the perfect example of the fact that the ultra-rich don’t become ultra-rich because they’re smarter or more talented or because they just work really hard.

    Being rich already; ruthless opportunism at the cost of the health, happiness, and often lives of others; and shamelessly relentless propaganda is how billionaires are made.