I currently use mbin and I like it because I like reddit-style social media, but for stuff from specific people and organizations microblog is sometimes better. I want to use the microblog part more (for example, make a post asking the Vivaldi account if there is any possibility of Vivaldi switching to a Firefox base instead of chromium. also I know it’s not that easy no need to discuss that on this thread) but tbh I don’t understand microblog stuff at all. in particular I want to know how I’m supposed to use @s and #s, and how I’m meant to interact with it. I know this seems kind of silly but I’ve never really used microblog-style social media until I got into the fediverse a couple months ago.

edit: to clarify, I am not asking how to use the microblog feature of mbin. I am asking about microblog in general.

  • gedaliyah@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Using @ just sends a notification to the person tagged, or sort of threads the conversion if it is a reply.

    The # is for tagging. A good way to get a sense of how it is used would be to frequently check the trending or popular hashtags. Basically anything with the same tag will show up together when someone is interested in the topic. Sometimes people also use them ironically like #ThisIsAReallyLongAndSpecificTagThatWillNotConnectWithAnyOtherPost