I did something like this. I was sitting in the pool by my dorm for like an hour just kinda staring at a tree and a group of people showed up. after a bit one of the girls asked me my name and told me hers and my stupid ass said “ok”.
I did something like this. I was sitting in the pool by my dorm for like an hour just kinda staring at a tree and a group of people showed up. after a bit one of the girls asked me my name and told me hers and my stupid ass said “ok”.
guns are much easier to aim and use. technically a bow is quieter, but guns can be made to be fairly quiet and are generally much less bulky than bows. generally speaking, guns are point and click. bows are dependent on how you hold the bow, how you hold the arrow, and the form with which you release the arrow (letting the bow move the right way and amount is involved). on top of that even the quietest configuration of a gun will have more power per size than a bow because gunpowder is very energy dense and the barrel of a gun is a great way of focusing that energy into a projectile.
Shave and a blowjob, two bits
the off days are fine, the net result is more what matters.
japan jumpscare
I always get like a 2 on the sides and finger length on top. I don’t really like it but my hair’s looked like shit (to me, anyway) since I started caring so I just decided to stop doing that.
I’d recommend sweet peppers and dried fruit (i like apricots) as snacks for fiber. still tastes great, is healthy, and will help with ‘regularity’, if needed.
i’d combine fat and protein into one and go to a brazillian steakhouse.
That’s kinda what it expects actually, because for the majority of human evolution we didn’t have guaranteed meals at regular(ish) times like we do now and what we did have would vary wildly in nutritional value. there should be no issues except the… aftermath of certain meals.
regular computers were useless except for basic addition and multiplication for a long time, and now we have the internet. quantum computers, when they are ready, will be capable of doing calculations much faster than it’s even physically possible for normal computers to. just because it isn’t ready yet doesn’t mean it will never be useful. your take is shortsighted and ignorant of how developing new stuff works.
how can a thing that has existed for years be impossible?
You can’t piss off the haters if you’re dead.
I’m not a Republican, but I am a good bit more right than a lot of the fediverse tends to be (consider myself centrist, also refuse to align with a party on principle). I think they are doing a terrible job of diplomacy right now. I do think it is an intentional thing (on account of that’s kind of who trump is) but I still think this much stuff against our allies is really stupid. I don’t want to say too much as I didn’t vote this year (forgot until too late) and by my standards that means I don’t get to complain, but I can say I disagree with their methods overall, even though I may not disagree with everything they are trying to do.
in some people it is a racism thing, but generally it’s just a generalisation done either to ask a genuine question about a group or to facilitate a joke. while they may not always be true, these generalisations often are genuinely a thing that a group tends to do more than other groups.
the town is half farm bro it’s as dense as it can be without the local economy collapsing. not to mention the entire thing is built around the intersection of two highways so to walk anywhere you have to cross two of the most semi-truck covered highways in the state (just a consequence of position relative to several much larger cities along those highways). even if we built the infrastructure it simply wouldn’t be safe and the distances would simply be too long, and considering we can’t even afford to keep the schools open all 5 days (this is the actual official reason we switched to a four-day week) I doubt there is enough taxes to add any infrastructure. this is not a flaw of the US, the town is just too small (in terms of population) to support what you are talking about.
no more issues since that one thing i mentioned in matrix
forgot was do bit, many sorry.
the cultures that were around when abrahamic religions (christianity, judaism, islam, and all offshoots whether considered separate or not) were the patriarchal (men in charge) and misogynystic (prejudice against women). this was adopted into their religion, which in turn influenced the future of their culture and any cultures it took hold in. large islamic and christian states such as the ottoman empire, the (later) roman empire, and the catholic empire i mean church spread this to pretty much all of europe and the middle east. colonialism spread this influence to the americas and part of africa. this large influence, along with trade, also affected religions in places that were not affected as much, such as asia and the parts of africa they didn’t colonise. this resulted in pretty much all of the non-asian world having a abrahamic religion as their biggest one, which caused the various african, pre-catholic european, and pre-colonial american religions to be either eradicated or forgotten. it also prevented the prominent asian religions (which were already well-established at that point, and did the same thing as the previous point to the areas they were in) from spreading much further.
as it’s relevant to the topic, I feel like I should mention that I am a christian. I don’t think anything I said here was biased, but if i missed something important please let me know so i don’t accidentally misrepresent other religions.
her friends kept trying to get her to ask me to come over to the side of the pool they were on after that too.