Motherfuckers in these comments couldn’t keep a houseplant alive, let alone farm enough to feed a family.
Thatch leaking? Nah! It’s St. FuckOff Day!
Rats in the grain? Party! It’s a holiday!
Gotta get the grain in before it storms? Fuck that ole’ grain! We party!
I could go on forever. Those “holidays” were for peasants to take care of their own shit. Working days were paying obligations to their landlord, noble, kind, etc.
They literally just laid there half a year, doing nothing. /s
Also they needed to pay rent, taxes, tithe, weren’t able to freely move or change profession, and were just step above slaves. Truly a life of leisure.
It is obvious that right now absolute majority lives better then ever before.
Yet there is a belief among people that everything was green and natural, and sweet before evil industrialization that stole our souls. Pure propaganda from rich assholes that salivate at the thoughts of neo-feudal system.
Is this self-parody or do some people seriously believe that their jobs are harder than it was to be a medieval peasant?
Motherfuckers in these comments couldn’t keep a houseplant alive, let alone farm enough to feed a family.
Thatch leaking? Nah! It’s St. FuckOff Day!
Rats in the grain? Party! It’s a holiday!
Gotta get the grain in before it storms? Fuck that ole’ grain! We party!
I could go on forever. Those “holidays” were for peasants to take care of their own shit. Working days were paying obligations to their landlord, noble, kind, etc.
They literally just laid there half a year, doing nothing. /s
Also they needed to pay rent, taxes, tithe, weren’t able to freely move or change profession, and were just step above slaves. Truly a life of leisure.
It is obvious that right now absolute majority lives better then ever before.
Yet there is a belief among people that everything was green and natural, and sweet before evil industrialization that stole our souls. Pure propaganda from rich assholes that salivate at the thoughts of neo-feudal system.