This is supposed to be a fun question and so far, several of you have responded with mundane replies, pretending to be sophisticated about the matter. Don’t fucking any of you ever just, live life a little?

Since I work at one, I know the first thing I’d do is break all the kerosene canisters in sporting goods, cause a fire and that alone will burn the entire half of the store since Auto with it’s oils, Lawn and Garden and Toys will happily fuel that fire too.

Then I’d go to hardware as the fire develops, taking sledgehammer and hatchet that they sell and go to work breaking everything.

Forget looting, I want to destroy capitalism’s toys.

    2 months ago

    A hypothetical person could gather up about 10 boxes of microwave popcorn.

    That peraon could then gather up as many microwaves as possible from the shelves.

    He or she coukd evenly distribute the microwaves across the store. They coukd even place two or three around the HVAC intake ducts.

    That nefarious individual could remove all filters from the HVAC intake ducts.

    If lead to do so, the person could put 1 bag of microwave popcorn in each microwave.

    Feasibly, they coukd also start each microwave on high for 60 minutes.

    The anecdotal smell of burnt popcorn would permeate and last for months. If you think burnt popcorn wouldn’t be that bad, then I would wager that you’ve never been in an office building that was evacuated for the burning chemical smell of one bag of popcorn left too long.