Gatorade starting to screw this stuff up though. There’s two purples and five different oranges now. You’ve got fierce and cool adjectives, and the strawberry lemonade is something in between orange and red, there’s gatorlyte,zero sugar. You send somebody in for an orange there’s literally five choices now.
Pick me up a red, like the old red not the new red, not the cool red not the Gator lyte red, not the fast twitch red.
They’ve hit their market cap and they’re just dying to sell more soft drink. Just a little more capitalism decomposing.
I want Orange, thanks.
Wait… people like orange gatorade?
Like, even when other flavors are available?
Gatorade starting to screw this stuff up though. There’s two purples and five different oranges now. You’ve got fierce and cool adjectives, and the strawberry lemonade is something in between orange and red, there’s gatorlyte,zero sugar. You send somebody in for an orange there’s literally five choices now.
Pick me up a red, like the old red not the new red, not the cool red not the Gator lyte red, not the fast twitch red.
They’ve hit their market cap and they’re just dying to sell more soft drink. Just a little more capitalism decomposing.
Brand recognition marketing. This is how we ended up with so many flavors of Mountain Dew.