And look at all the fucks behind him loving it, they knew it was going to happen. I am embarrassed for the US right now and I’m not even American.
And look at all the fucks behind him loving it, they knew it was going to happen. I am embarrassed for the US right now and I’m not even American.
I think that you hit it pretty close to being in point. The Americans I know are same as you nice good people, but that entire country is based on “I got mine so screw you” and they honestly believe that the American dream is still achievable, but it isn’t, they think that they are closer to a millionaire or billionaire than their own neighbors. Trickle down economics was a lie and the fact that shareholders are the end all and be all of industry.
Who can you screw over to get ahead, most of the time it is the owners (investors) screwing over the workers.
They have poor education systems (some better than others for a price) so people are unable to think critically about what they’re being told, then allow business to essentially buy the government this is the result.
The entire system globally is busted. I have no idea how to get it back in shape where people are important to having a healthy society.
I’m rambling so I’ll stop (not even sure what I wrote makes sense). But a picture is worth 100 words (used to be a 1000 but inflation ☹️)
Fixed it for you.
The drill bit is good, until you get it to surface.
Ugh yeah, that’s how hypocrisy works.