No, they did not. This has been a rumor since the Tor project was created by the DoD. Same rumors about selinux.
Well, I’m showing peeps how easy it is to move to tor browser, for more surfing. And if that’s too much, I show and help people install a decent browser plug-in collection.
Also, trying, again, to build a community owned mesh network.
And, getting more people to use signal and proton mail.
And, teaching stop the bleed classes, and organizing range days.
And, until recently, seeding community gardens and tool libraries.
So yes, you don’t need to sacrifice liberty for safety.
I dunno… being trained in individual and squad movement tactics might come in handy over the next 4 years. Firearms training too, that in restricted states can let you skip classes you’d otherwise pay for is cool too, and would be handy for a lot of peeps.
We get to pick between a pro landlord, pro oligarchs dem or a milquetoast horrific status quo dem for mayor next year.
Will fighting for one of them to win help anything?
Those who would sacrifice a little liberty, for a little safety, deserve neither.
Or… the ones after him didn’t bother to finish the job, because they wanted it to fail.
It’s not like FDR was elected right before Reagan or something here.
He ran on something quite different… Remember, he was running a campaign long before 2013… Like… 2007.
The Supreme Court apparently disagreed, both in this specific case and more generally when the Supreme Court overturned the Chevron deference doctrine.
The SCOTUS disagreed because that’s what their oligarch told them to decide. Not because of any actual legal framework or reasoning involved.
Congressmen aren’t individually drafting bills, they direct their aids to draft the bills and hammer out the details
One slight point, this isn’t how they get legislative drafts. Legislative drafts come from thinktanks like Heritage, ALEC, Vote Blue, etc.
Oligarchs write legislation, and then find a congresscritter that owes them a favor. They “lobby” for it, ie they stop into the congresscritter’s office, drop the envelope with the text, drop a check for their campaign fund, and then the congresscritter gets it to pass.
NYS pays more in federal taxes than we get in Federal dollars.
I think we’ll be ok.
The FCC has authority to punish whomever is the enemy of Reich Wingers, and Trump more specifically. Nothing more, nothing less.
Can the FCC punish a social media company for censoring the approved ideology? Yes. Can the FCC punish a social media company for not censoring the approved ideology? Yes. Can telcos be punished by the FCC for the same two things above? Yes.
It’s all about punishing the enemy, not logical consistency.
Bottom line: precedent, rulings, laws, etc have no bearing on the courts.
What matters to the courts is paying back for the favor of appointment. Which means they will rule whatever our oligarchs tell them to rule.
Always has…
It was happening before the ACA as well.
So, the problem was never fixed.
It got us the privilege of HAVING to pay insurance companies, who make up reasons to deny, delay, and depose.
And if the individual can’t afford it, we funnel tax dollars to those same corporations, who make up reasons to deny, delay, and depose.
Its a cash grab for the insurance industry, really.
Democrats at best had a tenuous veto proof majority for not even 2 weeks.
They had the house, the senate, and the POTUS. That’s “veto proof”. And it was for nearly two years.
If you mean “filibuster proof”, the filibuster is just a made up rule by the senate. A rule they could have, and should have, discarded the moment they took the senate.
Lots of potential tax revenue with cannabis.
It’s a probability thing, and it’s actually true, due to pure chance. Same reason it’s nigh impossible for our planet to be the only one in the cosmos with intelligent life. It’s also the reason that any finite number pattern can be eventually found as a series of digits in pi.