Glide failed to gray l grab this image
What vision do I have?
Glide failed to gray l grab this image
What vision do I have?
The (Hard R)epublicans made their opinions known.
Hit him again.
Just remember to seed.
It looks British.
When some narc on the internet would say “no homo”, I liked to hit them back with a “yass homo”. Or “homo where?”
It’s a shame it was quick.
Simple solution: Don’t murder them in New York.
We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
Where did the angels that refused to choose sides end up according to the Christian Bible?
If you see someone shoplifting food killing CEOs, you ain’t seen shit.
Hover-round hover-round -round
Didn’t trump claim he could shoot someone in the streets of New York and get away with it? Maybe it was him.
Would the CEO have lived if he had had a gun?
A really really bad joke.
In the teenage boy caught in the hyper masculine world of American highschool? Yes.
In the actualized adult trying to understand myself and the world? Also yes.
So uh… Got a link?
Or a cannibal. Or the zodiac killer.