They’re just trying to scare the Americans out of the office so they can replace them with cheaper H1Bs who won’t talk back.
They’re just trying to scare the Americans out of the office so they can replace them with cheaper H1Bs who won’t talk back.
Who doesn’t?
Someone has to learn the government secrets so they can spill it to the revolutionaries later when they become disillusioned so they can build their own weapons.
I wish 10,000 dolphins dived into his asshole and he exploded with his entrails covering all of congress.
If they(we) think Seinfeld is offensive, what do they think of IASIP?
Florida will be part of the sea in the near future. You don’t have to worry about them for much longer.
What I wouldn’t give for my state to be part of France rather than this US bullshit.
Hi I’m new to Lemmy since Reddit decided to permaban me due to support I showed for Luigi. Good riddance to be honest. I should have fully quit when they shut down Apollo but didn’t know Lemmy existed.
So it’s like having a Death Note but the only method of death is shitting themselves? I’m down.