They wouldn’t want to use or derive any compromised software themselves. They would want any adversaries to have it implemented.
They wouldn’t want to use or derive any compromised software themselves. They would want any adversaries to have it implemented.
I haven’t looked at the keyboard drivers, or much Linux source. I never really had a reason to do a lot of C other than small microcontroller projects.
But I see this stuff and think of how awesome it must have felt to get a different keyboard working on an OS the first time. I have to do all this stuff with cloud, and api levels, and configuring CI/CD pipelines, and sometimes I get to write backend C# code or they let me play in the front end. Most of the time it’s telling another team of developers what to do, and listening to our clients explain the problems and I have to figure out if we already have anything to fulfill at least some of those needs.
These drivers are the divine marriage of hardware that’s not native to the machine that an OS is running on. It’s so beautiful to read. You can visualize where the values enter a memory address, and bits get shifted or something is static so the keyboard always uses the right thing.
I have two friends on Signal!
No one else believes me. Gonna be a weird future
We call it hotdish in Minnesota.
Actually it’s pretty much identical to a lot of hot dishes I’ve seen
You know I don’t really know.
Pretty certain my ex would be upset. My lack of sympathy for the death of that CEO could get me in trouble with my job maybe.
If people I know didn’t think of me as a loner weird guy before they would now.
Hell I haven’t even posted a witty response to a comment on like a pornhub video or anything.
Im too boring to get fucked :/
A fucking whopper with just lettuce, onions on it, + chicken fries and a Dr. Pepper.
Fuck that is some goooood shit
I mean yeah. Any kid with ADHD simply cannot sit still.
Somehow I did in school, and I was always quiet in school. But when my brother mentioned my son is a carbon copy of me at home growing up.
Oof. I guess I tended to enjoy literally bouncing off the walls too. I used to manage it by bouncing my leg, then somehow that got trained out of me
waiter spits into plate and I thank him
Oh man, OP didn’t spit back. Water gonna get spilled
I loved this movie as a kid, and still love it today
You have no idea. Empathy is seen as a weakness. Especially the more power you have in a career.
Thank you. That means a lot. I guess that’s the part I’m most uncomfortable with - why is expressing emotion seen as vulnerability? It’s one of our most effective methods of communication, particularly of empathy.
That… Actually makes more sense and a thought I was trying to avoid. I know she said a lot of things where she said things to avoid feeling like the bad guy. Unfortunately for her, cheating on your marriage doesn’t have a defense.
Vulnerability is for people you trust.
And this is what needs to change. In order to trust someone, a level of vulnerability is required. We must demand that expression of emotion is not seen as vulnerability, but as a human need.
Feminism is explicitly about the social equality of sexes.
It’s terrible to see. It’s another feature of the patriarchy and toxic masculinity - blaming the victims. It’s why it has been going on for so long.
In a similar vein: Why do women not report rape? This is why. Because even women have been so oppressed by the system that they will even question “if they were asking for it.”
You know, I hadn’t really thought about the benefit that LGBTQ+ acceptance plays in this.
Of everyone who has been so supportive of me, it’s been my queer and non-binary friends.
I am a straight white male with money. While it upsets me to see women saying stuff like this post, I also know that I am not going to blame the women perpetuating the problem, because they themselves are victims of toxic masculinity and established gender norms.
I don’t know if I want to blame the patriarchy or the toxic masculinity that goes with it, but crap. My ex was so not ok when I cried over the discovery of her affair.
She genuinely thought I was trying to manipulate her. I was “too extremely emotional” over it. We were highschool sweethearts, had a kid, and she always talked about how she was disgusted with her own mother for having an affair. Even to the point where she cut off contact with her mother until they ended that relationship.
“No man goes to bed crying because their wife cheated on them or sends nudes to the same guy 4 years later.”
There were red flags earlier than that. “Why are you crying over a movie?” (I always do at emotional bits). “Man up, no one wants to be with someone expresses sadness.”
What’s worse is that it’s pretty much why I don’t bother going out, or have much motivation to get back into the dating game. The patriarchy and toxic masculinity has ruined being human to me. I don’t want to be friends with people who cover up all their emotions. I don’t want to be friends with guys who are clearly over compensating. Then the girls turn around complain about these men being cruel to them, yet state things like this.
Then you have all the men who have this strange belief that they are owed women, and by behaving like that they get the women they are owed. I won’t take part in that. I will not hurt someone else just to satisfy my desires. If that means I don’t date, I’m much more comfortable being a good person and alone.
I also try to bring it up in conversation, and then people turn around and act like my refusal to participate in patriarchal behavior is anti-social. I had one person point out “technically, you aren’t getting any, even though you want it, making you an incel.” I was so shocked. Its not the fault of women I’m not out getting laid. Its men. It’s the patriarchy. It’s this system set up to isolate me because I have an intense emotional awareness.
:/ that’s unfortunate. I say that because I’m iffy where I remember something from.
That reminds me of a little story that I like to share. I always knew a person’s sexuallity wasnt a choice. At the time I didn’t even know there was such a thing as non- heterosexual relationships (because America). I can pinpoint the exact moment I knew I was straight because 11 year old me, my younger brother, my mom, and an older 2nd cousin (probably one of her parents or aunts/uncles) went to a river to swim and dig up crayfish.
Anyway, my second cousin wore her normal clothes down there, which I was sort of disappointed about and I didn’t know why. We get to the river she drops her bag and what I watched her do after that dropped my jaw and I froze staring at her until she got in the lake. She stripped off her shorts and shirt had on a revealing (ok, well to an 11 year old who never noticed before) green and blue bikini. I had no idea I was frozen or that my entire family was snickering as I stared at a girl 4 or 5 years older than me gawking at something I was now noticing a lot. The story goes that after this, my mom had to “remind me I was still in the street” and I just sat on a rock at the River edge trying to talk to her. I then made it really important that I got to hang out with her the rest of that family reunion.
At one point my little brother broke one of his braces wires and she was all ready to help him - she ran to her room with the little wax balls you put on the ends to stop them from poking you. Thing is the wire was a bit further back in his mouth. So I switched back into bewildered staring and jealously watched her carefully craft this tiny ball of wax into his mouth with her immaculate hands. I apparently got really pissy with my brother after that for getting all the attention.
Anyway. Yeah. Seemed pretty obvious to me that I did not get to choose who I was attracted to.
I’m a 30+ year old man, and women in their early 20s are foreign enough.
The only things I can think of are power and control, and maybe the youth=pure thing? I mean from the appearance stand point there’s really nothing different for women into their 20s, if anything they dress in different styles.
The lack of intellectual, emotional, and social maturity is really off-putting. Hell, I remember personal hygiene was an issue for some girls when I was in college. The number that didn’t wear deodorant was concerning enough.