Fedora based actually
Fedora based actually
Install using the debian net installer. Only add a GUI/Desktop Environment through command line and apt. Don’t use tasksel.
Do this on a laptop that’s not mission critical. Barring that, use Tails on a USB drive
Glad to hear it. Hopefully you have a long tenure there and the company grows at a sustainable rate. You’re in like 1% of the market.
You deserve to be there or they wouldn’t have hired you. You work with smart people who know their shit. They wouldn’t have you there if you didn’t contribute.
However remember that as soon as it starts to get bad jump ship or form a union. You only matter until that tiny company gets bought up by another larger company…like Amazon.
With the impending financial crisis expect there to be a lot of “consolidation” in the market.
Fedora desktop with KDE. Or you could do grape Arch
Or Blueberry Fedora
Great way to get rid of rotting inventory and recoup costs through insurance.
Fuck your pipeline
Also. there were demonstrations against DAP in 2008 way before Greenpeace got there.