what is a bio brand?
what is a bio brand?
I have read some novels where their history straight up breaks if you think about it for too long. Not saying this happened in this case but I read a fantasy novel that had a history that implied that people existed in the wrong times. Like this person was said to have died in X year yet someone met someone who was born in X+100 years.
I think I’m going to bake something this weekend. Maybe my version of the chocolate chips recipe my great grandma taught me.
all religions change. The gnostics were my favorite offshoot because it seems more believable then God being good after committing multiple genocides.
Every single one. They ethier white wash (not in the making people white way but sometimes they too) or villify everything about it. There is no place for nuance in modern retellings for some reason.
I use the web player since I like listening to podcasts while I play games and antena pod doesn’t have one
I’ve been reading some terrible books because I enjoy listening to 372 pages we’ll never get back.
That reads exactly like a line in a few of those books.
I mean AGI is possible unless causality isn’t true and the brain just is a “soul’s” interface for the material world.
But who is to say LLMs are the right path for it.
Good UX benefits everyone.
Laugh at the absolutely terrible name?
What do you think politics are?