I don’t have any plans to cease operations, and I have enough capital to continue operation without profit for several years. Hopefully by then I’ll be profitable, though!
I don’t actively monitor any of my users emails. The only things that would justify reading any user’s email is if they are exhibiting suspicious activity or another user reports them. As far as whether you can know that, unfortunately there’s nothing I can do to assure you other than put it in my terms of service and privacy policy. Any email service that receives emails unencrypted from other senders technically has the ability to read your emails, even ones like ProtonMail that then encrypt the email for storage.
Yeah, basically the plan is to offer a full business email service. Each of your employees would have their own “bare” address, which could then be decorated with their own labels. So an employee named John Doe could have [email protected] for communicating with Some Vendor.
I’ll also have available the standard features like mailing lists (like [email protected]), user management, security and data retention policies, etc.
The patented part is that you can have multiple email addresses for the same user, and a subset of them can provide challenge-response screening to filter automated messages. The patent is publicly available on the USPTO website.