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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • For fairness, here is Tuta’s response to the allegations: https://tuta.com/blog/tutanota-not-a-honeypot

    There really is no way to verify that any email service isn’t a honeypot. Even if you open source your server code, that doesn’t mean it’s what’s actually running on the server. They could publish served code then be running totally different code on their servers with no way to tell.

    Tuta’s biggest weaknesses for me right now are the seeming lack of independent audits and the lack of interoperability for encryption. Proton is the biggest competitor and seems to have both. However, Proton has grown more in the way that a honeypot would, adding VPN, cloud storage, password manager, etc, so more data collection points. Tuta is still email, contacts, and calendar.

  • It’s working fine for me. I like the improved icons and slightly adjusted layout, and the auto-hide panel feature is great.

    Issues with my setup: window title applet isn’t yet updated to support KDE 6. I know there’s a version on the AUR that should work, but I’m waiting to see if it hits the Arch extras repo soon. My Papirus icons don’t seem to be applying, so all my folders are Green but Dolphin’s icon itself is blue. I also did get a weird temporary black box when moving a window out of the way from an auto hide panel, and the auto hide causes a stutter when it comes back into view.

    1050 Ti laptop running X11 (optimus-manager) through HDMI with lid closed

  • Same with windows, Android, iOS, etc.

    Windows is the only OS listed where you almost need to break those rules. You can’t easily keep software updated and basically need to install software from outside the store. Only winget and choco are promising in this regard, but these are power user tools. MacOS, and even many Linux distros, ship with a graphical app store that keeps packages updated.

    On Android and iOS, most users can get away with never installing an app outside the Play Store or App Store. The app store keeps the apps updated.

    Not sure when you last used windows, but there’s a built in store for most mainstream software,

    Unless all you’re doing is web browsing, the Windows Store doesn’t contain nearly enough software. Users of Windows need to be used to installing software outside of the store. How many Windows PC’s have never run an exe or msi?

    and I’m sure most games come from steam.

    Perfect example. I need to find, download, and run an exe from a website to install Steam. Having this be a normal procedure that a user is used to doing is horrible for security.

  • Nope, because now you’ve started to provide more information than is necessary to identify yourself.

    My interpretations of the Florida law for your examples, but of course I’m not a lawyer, this isn’t legal advice, and my interpretation of the law is different than what I believe is ethical:

    I introduced myself as Mx Endocrinous,

    This is fine. You’re just giving students knowledge to identify yourself.

    wore nonbinary and trans and gay flag pins,

    I think this is probably on the borderline, but I don’t believe the law would allow this. You’re conveying information beyond what the students need to know to identify you.

    On the other hand, I think the law also prevents someone from wearing anti-trans and anti-gay flag pins (if those exist? I’m not up-to-date on hate symbols).

    had an it/its pronoun pin,

    Legal IMO. At it’s core, it’s just two English words on a pin which have meaning far outside the sphere of gender identity. If you’re using it to indicate how students should refer to you, it’s also legal IMO.

    and referred to myself as dronegender,

    Not legal IMO. It’s outside of the basic information necessary to have a conversation with or about you.

    I don’t personally this is a particularly good law, but I also don’t believe it is as restrictive as you’ve described it. And I’m not a lawyer. The law is written about “classroom instruction,” so as long as what you’re doing doesn’t constitute that, you’re fine. The difficulty, as you’ve pointed out, is defining what that means.

  • This isn’t necessarily true. LEDs are capable of running for years, but not all LEDs are designed this way or are operated this way. An LED in a given application can die quicker if:

    • the LED manufacturer cheaps out
    • the phone manufacturer runs the LED at higher current for more brightness
    • the phone is poorly designed, allowing the LED to heat up
    • the phone is exposed to significant heat and/or the LED is covered while used for a long enough duration

  • Introducing yourself as a Mr means informing students you identify as a man.

    No it doesn’t. What if I’m a woman who prefers Mr as my title.

    Also the words man and woman are banned according to law.

    No they aren’t. These words tell you the gender identity of someone, but they don’t explain what gender identity is.

    Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

    Using words like “Mr,” “Mrs,” “man,” “she,” etc. does not constitute “classroom instruction … on … gender identity.”

    If a teacher puts their lunchbag under their desk, they aren’t necessarily giving instruction on object permanence. Just because a psychological concept is associated with an act or phrase does not mean that the mere presence of this act or phrase in a classroom constitutes “instruction” on that act or phrase.

  • Read that Wikipedia page from yourself. Anti-virus is recommended by the quoted Scott Granneman for Samba servers, NFS servers, and Linux mail servers. For desktop use, Linux has a clear advantage compared to Windows.

    The use of software repositories significantly reduces any threat of installation of malware

    As long as you keep your packages up to date, don’t install random packages found online, and don’t run random scripts, desktop Linux is very secure. No one is using a zero-day to target your home office computer behind your router’s firewall unless you’re a high value target.

    On the other hand, Windows users almost have to install software from the wider internet. Windows also doesn’t have an easy way to keep everything updated. Your PDF reader could have a known vulnerability for a year before you finally update it. Add to the fact that Windows has more desktop users and is thus a bigger target for desktop-style malware, and the difference isn’t even close.

    Most users do not need anti-virus on Linux.

  • I haven’t tried it but I think so. As long as it runs Android and you can connect via ADB, it should work. It might be a pain to connect via ABD either wireless or using a USB hub. You’ll also want to he extra cautious that you’re not disabling things that break the basic functions. For example, you can probably disable Google TV on your phone but maybe not on Android TV because it might break the UI.