You sound like an idiot dude.
I wouod bet dollars to donuts the “stamp” was a either a custom star of david brass knuckle(s) or a stamp that was used as a brass knuckle and this is why it didn’t come out complete because pinching the ocular region with a flat metal stamp wouldnt leave a complete image. But you can clearly see this is part of the symbol.
Zionists are such blatant pieces of human garbage
Says who! Zionist owned fascist news outlets? Lmao. Even if it wasnt true which i do not buy, there are way worse things than this that isNOTreal has done to the population they are actively committing genocide against.
Oh BTW even the nyt which is zio propaganda posted this story and the picture. So what kind of crack are you smoking from the zionist dick flavored pipe you keep in your breast pocket?