Sorry, I have exceeded my bandwidth for the day.
Sorry, I have exceeded my bandwidth for the day.
Yeah that’s my feeling about it. She seems like a nice person who tried to make the best of her unexpected notoriety. She donated a butt load to animal shelters. I feel bad for her more than anything else.
It’s funny how everyone was calling here just some dumb bj girl and now she’s suddenly a criminal mastermind…
What else do you want it to do?
Not me. No way! Not my chair, not my problem.
Loved you in My Name is Earl
TIL I’m the only person who uses Pandora…
The Dudesy podcast is an experiment of sorts, with the Dudesy AI learning, evolving and generating data in order to improve the show. Each episode represents a free-flowing, creative exchange between the two human hosts and the AI.
Power of Attorney