I bought this 5 III with the expectation of flashing lineage onto it. The hold up is that japanese carriers like Docomo lock the bootloader. There was to unlock the bootloader by using a paid service from a company called Canadian Wireless that send you a service code that unlocks these Japanese Xperia phones. What I didn’t know was that Sony killed the servers that send the unlock code back in last June so now I’m stuck on the stock ROM. No biggie though, like you’ve been saying the stock ROM is close enough to ASOP ROM that its not that big of a deal. Having security updates would be preferable though.
Hopefully by the time I upgrade to the 1 VI lineage will be available. Until then I’m happy with what I got.
I’m totally interested in trying out the newer camera app. The camera app that comes with the 5 III isn’t very good, face detection isny very good and auto mode isnt great. I just haven’t gotten around to looking for the APK’s from the newer phones so that would save me a lot of time.
Thanks, I’ll send you a DM!
Too much acid. I ascend out of my body and never come back.