Psychiatric Registered Nurse

Love memes and scifi/fantasy.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2021

  • IME it comes back quickly if you ease back in but if you just go out to the bar and knock back 6 shots at once like you used to the EMTs very much will be scraping you out of a ditch. That’s how most experienced addicts OD, by not thinking about it and remembering to slow the fuck down with their dosing after holding together sobriety for a while.

  • Well here’s my worst: I relapsed after having dropped my tolerance and the EMTs scraped me out of a ditch and took me to my job, although thank God I don’t work in the ED. Apparently I said something to the effect of “just let me die” which wound up getting me a babysitter (suicidaldrunksitter?) and wound up having to talk to a pgy-2 who very clearly (and nervously) recognized me. Fortunately my hospital is relatively with it on the evidence-based-practice even in behavioral health so he knew to wait until I was sober again to do a full assessment, because that would’ve been a whole week down the drain in grippy sock jail.

  • I think polyamory is an immutable part of someone’s sexual orientation as much as the gender preference spectrum (homo/heterosexual) and the intensity/situationalness (ace/gray-ace/demi). I think some people just naturally see sex and intimate relationships as something they can do openly with multiple people and some people just don’t. I think it will become more acceptable for the people who see sex that way to find each other and express their love that way, the same as with all the other sexual relationships between consenting adults are becoming more acceptable. But the same way it would be silly to say we’ll all be homosexual eventually I don’t think we’ll all be poly someday either.

  • Addictions often stem from a lack of stimulating activities or connection to others. The recent retirement supports this, as he would have lost both at that time. So he needs to get into some hobby that’s less likely to leave him homeless, but that is gonna fill those needs. You gotta find him somewhere to go that’s outside the house that he can:

    1. mostly rest/vegetate
    2. occasionally get rewarded
    3. do either alone or with a trusted friend
    4. consume mind altering substances while vegetating (usually alcohol)

    With all this in mind I now realize why there’s so many jokes about old dudes fishing. Do with that what you will.

    But yeah. You should start some kind of multi generational hobby club for how to sit around and all be dudes together. There’s probably some younger men out there who missed that part during COVID too so like. And figure out some activity that’s not going to be horribly boring to the younger adults that won’t be horribly overstimulating to the older adults.

    I’ve always thought the answer to the whole men’s mental health crisis we’re seeing today (I work in inpatient mental health) was getting men to connect better with each other in addition to women. A lot of guys say they weren’t taught to talk about their feelings which means not only are they losing a lot of opportunity for emotional validation, but they’re losing that validation from where it would matter most; the people most like them. I say this because a bunch of young male patients keep asking me for life advice and I’m like bruh we both know nothing I say is gonna make a lick of sense I wasn’t raised in that box.

  • aedalla@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlExplain this
    1 year ago

    Less restrictive environment so it takes us a second to get it reported. I wonder if lemmy has or could have a 30 day limit until you can interact with outside instances. Seems like a cool feature for federation in general. Would make it harder to make spam accounts.

  • Oh my algorithm is FUCKED because I’m so insanely curious.

    So first of all I’m always googling stuff from medical procedures to culture and liguistics. That’s part of how I found out that apparently black Americans will sometimes get a nose job to confirm better to western beauty standards.

    Second of all, I will click on everything that I can’t identify, which often turn out to be kitchen implements or specialized hobby equipment. One time I clicked on some weird looking shoes, shortly followed by some bizarre looking amorphous plastic things which turned out to be special climbing shoes and screw-in footholds, respectively.

    So anyway, that’s the story of how Google adsense thinks I’m an African American woman who hates her nose but is also extremely passionate about indoor climbing (none of this is even remotely true).

  • Honestly it’s just fascinating to me that incel culture has such a huge fixation on chins yet their messiah doesn’t even have one.

    I’ve been following incel culture for a while now (and honestly mostly because so many try to kill themselves after being exposed to poison from men like this). And most of the time I just wind up roping any male staff member I can find (everybody from security to chaplains) to talk to these young men because I know I have no business womansplaining healthy masculinity to these young men.

    But go ahead and get mad about one comment then read through my comment history for dirt like we’re still on reddit even though lemmy said it would be different.

  • So I work 12 but because I’m a night nurse a lot of the time it’s just being there and monitoring, then occasionally doing something if the monitoring indicates the need. And particularly in psychiatry, a lot of the monitoring is passive. Sure I’ll go personally check on people every few hours (the techs do 15 minute checks) but a lot of my monitoring is poking my head out of the nursing station to whisper-yell “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NOISE” or jumping up when the floorstaff move too fast (some of our security who know me well will actually frantically gesture at me to sit the fuck back down they’re just showing their buddy a meme they got excited about).

  • I don’t wash my hands at work to be sterile (most of the time). “Sterile” is different from “clean” in the terms I’m formally educated in. To follow that analogy I just want my info to be “clean.” I want to remove most of the stuff from immediate public access periodically. I utilize other stuff too like periodically changing usernames and whatnot, same as I change an isolation gown or strip and wash my clothes as soon as I get home. None of that guarantees perfect removal of 100% of microbes, and this won’t prevent all people ever from accessing my info. But that’s no reason to never even rinse my digital ass. I just want a digital-ass bidet, not a digital autoclave.

  • I don’t wash my hands at work to be sterile (most of the time). “Sterile” is different from “clean” in the terms I’m formally educated in. To follow that analogy I just want my info to be “clean.” I want to remove most of the stuff from immediate public access periodically. I utilize other stuff too like periodically changing usernames and whatnot, same as I change an isolation gown or strip and wash my clothes as soon as I get home. None of that guarantees perfect removal of 100% of microbes, and this won’t prevent all people ever from accessing my info. But that’s no reason to never even rinse my digital ass. I just want a digital-ass bidet, not a digital autoclave.