Sad but true. I switched to Linux mint for private use.
Sad but true. I switched to Linux mint for private use.
Thanks I’ll definitely check that out. I’ve seen some posts about it working on Synology Nas devices so that’s very interesting.
While both of those are great software. Unless I’m not aware of something they aren’t cloud/network based office suites like Google docs and office 365.
It seems this is an alternative to office software where you can work simultaneously and share documents in the same cloud/network.
I don’t think there is an alternative to office 365 and Google docs at this point that is open source. So this seems like a great project and I’ll definitely be considering it for our company.
Awesome picture!
Chickens need food, shelter and care.
While I think it’s fun to have chickens, I’d hate to think of people getting chickens just for food and neglecting then otherwise. And there are a lot of people out there who only care about money (and not animals) sadly.