
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It is not wrong nor necessarily bad to constantly question things and to desire to look deeper into information presented to you

    But continued denial of something that is extremely well understood, studied, tested, and researched isn’t healthy skepticism - it’s wilful ignorance for the sake of soothing one’s fears.

    The human brain (the brains of most creatures, really) is now better understood than it ever has been and new technology is making studying it easier and faster than ever before. At no point, past or present, has there ever been even a tiny minuscule sliver of anything even remotely similar to a soul or afterlife being detected or observed. What we have observed, however, are the parts of a brain that are responsible for emotions, memory, personality, logic, reasoning, etc dying and ceasing to function.

    The brain is an extremely awesome and complex thing but it is not powered by magic. I am trying my best to not mean any disrespect here - like I said I believed in an afterlife well into my 20’s - but the entire premise of an afterlife is basically magic. It’s fantasy. It makes the crushing pain of our own death easier to deal with.

  • The price was definitely a primary factor, but it wasn’t the only one. The Vision Pro is a bulky thing with a dingleberry on a string and many reviewers noted the uncomfortable headband situation. It, like may headsets, is also a royal pain in the ass to deal with if you wear glasses and/or need really specialized lenses.

    But a really big factor was that it’s an Apple product. Word travelled fast about how limited the software is and how you can’t really do much with it. Apple is going to have a hard time selling these things until they crawl out of their own ass and actually let people use their products how they wish to. One of the biggest appeals of AR computing is how it bridges together computing with your imagination, and that doesn’t really work when Apple says “no, you can’t do that because it doesn’t match our company vision”

  • I lived close enough to my school that I was able to walk every day. Every morning I had to deal with self-centered parents dropping their crotchspawn off at school. I nearly got run over numerous times while crossing the street- a few of which got close enough that their front bumpers touched the backs of my legs as I walked. One parent cut in front of me instead of behind me, and I was able to punch the back of their car as they sped off.

    Keep in mind I was a child when this was happening. These were parents that were very nearly running over a child willingly.

  • I put some of the blame on retailers as well. Retail stores just don’t want to carry inventory anymore, especially tech-focused ones with many of those just turning into glorified showrooms. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard some version of: “Sorry, we don’t have that in stock but we can bring it in for you.”

    We needed a short length of garden hose here for the house so I went to two hardware stores and one garden centre looking for one. Nothing. Not even in their dedicated gardening sections. I had to order it off Amazon. A goddamn garden hose.

    Amazon has done a lot of damage for sure but retail is suffering from several self-inflicted wounds too. Home Depot, for example, is a multi-billion dollar corporation and even they have a weaker retail presence now. That’s not Amazon’s fault.