JFC that car is humongous. I could fit my small car twice under that tarp, with room to spare. Or that guy is tiny.
JFC that car is humongous. I could fit my small car twice under that tarp, with room to spare. Or that guy is tiny.
I’ve probably got twice the warlord potential he has. Which is to say, I have really shit warlord potential.
“mill” decks are entirely based on making your opponent move cards from their deck directly to the graveyard, because when a player has to draw a card but can’t, they lose the game.
Never realized that the first sentence was so long
It’s missing the bag breaking a little earlier and falling into the cup so you have to fish it out with the spoon. Bonus points if the spoon is too short
Mostly because Microsoft tries to maintain backwards compatibility to ridiculous extents, and their customers grew accustomed to it so they kinda rely on it, no ?
What is it ?
Very good idea. French people are pretty bad at English.
Source: am french
Isn’t this one actually addressed ? I remember them releasing the snitch after a few minutes but maybe I plugged that obvious hole in the rules myself
It seems all spells are pre-existing and they just study how to do them, not the “science” behind how they work.
One of the many reasons why Ursula K. Le Guin’s universes are much more interesting
That would explain a lot of the nonsense in their society
Of course they didn’t leave any documentation because management said that writing it was a waste of time
I mean, he was partnered with Disney before “the bridge incident” too…
All the OG fallout fans I know can’t stop recommending this game so you’ll probably like it
You can use a third person camera but yeah it’s still a different pov.
Have you tried Underrail ? It’s popular among the old school fallouts fans
Sorry, “febober” in the list triggered my terminally online brain rot.
Source (warning : youtube short)
Because their owners are becoming the new and improved oil barons and want to be included in their cool boys club ?
Well I just don’t think that many survival games did that to copy Minecraft. If anything they were probably more influenced by DayZ which also had a hotbar as a Arma mod. Especially Rust which also has some source engine/Gmod influences (also featuring hotbars) because Garry Newman.
Ha ! That happened to me last year actually. Showered in the morning everything was fine. Came back from work to the thing in pieces on my floor. It can happen with tempered glass due to manufacturing defects. I think what actually triggers it to break apart isn’t even well understood. And good luck explaining that shit to your landlord because it’s pretty rare.