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Cake day: June 24th, 2024

  • There’s a distinction between war and terrorism. Terrorism is done by non state actors, wars are done by states. For example, there’s a very big difference between the democratic government of the Philippines voting to fight ISIS in their southern islands, and some random ISIS terrorist trying to kill the Filipino president to intimidate non muslim candidates from running for president.

  • no, but nothing is so black and white. do you perhaps think that bullies should always be acquiesced to? that defending yourself from attackers is inherently and unilaterally immoral?

    You tell a teacher or parent on a bully and they’ll punish them accordingly, or if you’re an adult you report them to your HR department or whereever. You don’t go and fucking shoot dead a bully. That’s not a sane solution to anything.

    they’re the ones constantly (publicly) cheering for me and my kind to be dragged out of our homes and shot for virtue of being born either non-white or non-straight (depending on flavor of republican, maybe both).

    I understand they’re discriminatory bigots, but Jesus are you overexaggerating. Like who is advocating for this? I want specific names and sources if you don’t mind, bonus points if they’re from prominent politicians.

    the reason violence is no longer acceptable as a mechanism for political change is that we built a system to address grievances without it: our representative democracy. we rose above the need by using the law to ensure everyone can be heard

    Exactly, that’s the point, we have a functioning system, so why are you trying to justify terrorism?

    they’ve already thoroughly corrupted the highest courts in our country to do so. they intend to continue to close all reasonable avenues of political resolution specifically for the purpose of being able to call any resistance to their rule “terrorism”, as you just have. this itself is an act of political violence.

    Assassinations aren’t resistance, what in the fuck are you talking about? Do you seriously not see the problem with self righteous assholes going on terrorism crusades killing political candidates they don’t like? That’s how we move from a stable democracy and into a failed state.

    if I corner you in an alley with a gun so you have nowhere to run and tell you to give me your wallet, but I haven’t shot at you or even aimed it at you yet, does this make me non-violent? is it acceptable? would you fight back, or capitulate? how about if I then tell you to leave but not your partner?

    What? These situations aren’t even remotely comparable. You’re trying so hard to justify terrorism that you’re not even being logically coherent. No, somebody shooting someone who’s directly threatening them in person as an act of self defense is vastly different from some rando shooting political candidates they don’t like.

    the police won’t help you, they don’t help your kind, and you probably brought it upon yourself in their eyes.

    Idk what alternative reality you live in, but here in the real world, terrorism is condemned and legitimate peaceful avenues are pursued. Trump should be prevented from becoming president again, but this is done by defeating him in the election, not by fucking killing him and turning him into a martyr. Trump should be brought to justice via the criminal justice system, which has already found him guilty of a crime, not by some self righteous rando shooting.

  • Wtf are you even talking about? There’s a very big difference from bad policies and what this is. For example, Obama involved the US in the Saudi Arabia led coalition against the Houthis in Yemen, and this one policy led to the deaths of tens of thousands. Does that justify somebody trying to assassinate Obama? No, of course not. Bush started two wars, does that justify somebody trying assassinate him? No, it doesn’t. Biden, is helping Ukraine defend itself from Russia which has also led tens of thousands to die, does that justify assassinating him? Again, no.

    If you want to bring any of them to face justice, that’s fine, but it has to be been done through our justice system where they go through trial… like we did with Trump. We can’t start a precedent inside the country that legitimatizes and normalizes political violence to achieve political violence at the cost of our democracy. That is the reason why everybody was in uproar over Trump’s Jan 6th insurrection. The democratic process has to be maintained, the peaceful transfer of power has to be preserved, and civil society has to be protected. We can’t have self righteous assholes going around on terrorism crusades killing anybody they don’t like. This is common sense, it’s insane that I have to even defend such a position.

  • Oh ffs, this is such a terminally online take. You’re not the equivalent of a Jew during the Holocaust nor is Trump Hitler and MAGA Nazis. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is vile person to his core. He has no redeemable qualities and his policies have done a lot of harm. His supporters are also brain dead morons who operate like a cult. I’m with you there, BUT despite that, we have to operate within the context of our reality.

    The reality is that Trump and MAGA aren’t the equivalent of the Nazis, not everything you don’t like is Nazi equitable. This is the problem with modern discourse, our education system is rotten that people literally cannot comprehend history outside of WWII. History did not stop and end there, and the vast majority that happens in the world is not comparable to those specific time period. There are a lot of other wannabe dictators in history like Orban or Modi or Erdogan or Yeltsin or Haftar or whatever. Worst case scenario is that Trump does become a dictator, however, 99.99% of dictators of History aren’t like Hitler, he was uniquely evil.

    With that being said, Trump isn’t a dictator now, and we have a very real chance of defeating him democratically. We have a very large and powerful coalition against him, we have all the dirt against him, we are using the national due process, and we are using legitimate means to achieve power in this country. All that political violence would do is give Trump and his supporters the rationale to justify that they are right, that Trump is a martyr, and that it is okay for them to use even more violence. We can’t stoop down to their level and become like them. We have to shut down that type of behavior, not normalize it.

    Do you know why? It’s because we want to live in a civil society where peaceful democratic power transfers is the one and only legitimate means of gaining power. We can’t go on self righteous moral crusades where we use violence on people we don’t like to achieve political goals. Do you know why? Because that’s terrorism by definition, and to use something you’re familiar with, it’s what the Nazis did. Political violence is wrong on principle. It’s wrong when Trump and his cult do it, it’s wrong when we do it, it’s wrong when anybody does it.

  • It’s wrong when they do it, it’s wrong we do it, it’s wrong when anybody does it. That’s because political violence is wrong on principle. I’m not exactly sure what you’re goal is here, do you think two wrong would make a right? Do you perhaps think an eye for an eye is a good concept to live by? Stop trying to justify violence as a legitimate means of achieving political goals, that’s literally terrorism.

  • You’re probably the type of person who would end up being a shooter if this is your mentality.

    This is political violence. Going around trying to assassinate people you don’t like is not self defense. Your presumption of violence is NOT a justification of using violence. Two wrongs don’t make a right, you’re still in the wrong. This mentality that violence is a just mean to achieve political goals is quite literally what terrorism is. This is the exact line of logic that Hamas used to justify the Oct 7th attack against civilians or what the Turks used to justify the Armenian genocide or what Hitler used to justify the Holocaust. You have to be some type of soulless ghoul to think this type of behavior is acceptable in a civil society. The majority of Americans already don’t support what Trump spews from liberals to independents to the apolitical to even some conservatives. If you criticize Trump and MAGA of being pro violence then you have to stick by your principles and be anti violence.

    Bernie’s response is without a doubt the correct one. Not only is condemning the violence morally correct, but it shows that he stand by his principles and his condemnation helps remove fuel from the fire by not encouraging more violence. Bernie is right, be like Bernie.

  • The term AI is very vague because intelligence is an inherently subjective concept. If we’re defining AI as something that has consciousness then it doesn’t exist, but if we’re defining it as a task that a computer can do on it’s own, then virtually everything that is automated is run by AI.

    Even with generative AI models, they’ve been around for a while too. For example, lot of the news articles you read, especially about the weather or news aren’t written by actual people, they’re AI generated. Another example would be scientific simulations, they use AI to generate a bunch of possible scenarios based on given parameters. Yet another example would be the gaming industry, what do you think generates Minecraft worlds? The point here is that AI has been around for awhile and is already being used everywhere. What we’re seeing with chatGPT and these other new models is that these models are now being released for public access. It’s like democratization of AI, and a lot of good and bad things are bound to come of it. We’re at the infancy stage of this now, but just like with the world wide web before it, these technologies are going to fundamentally change how we do many things from now on.

    We can’t fight technology, that’s a losing battle. These AIs are here and they’re here to stay. So strap on and enjoy the ride.

  • There this trend with Americans where they pretend that a presidential election is the beginning of the purge and they’ve got to make plans or else they’re doomed.

    I remember back in 2008 when a bunch of conservatives declared that America was doomed because a Kenyan muslim was in power and that his plan was to crash the economy to the ground with the recession he created… and so they were making escape plans to go to Australia or wherever… that didn’t happen.

    In 2016, liberals famously declared how they were going to escape Trump’s fascist regime by moving to Canada or Europe in mass before he starts WWIII… literally nothing happened.

    In 2020, both liberals and conservatives declared that if the candidate they didn’t want won, they would leave the US to go elsewhere in the West because clearly the country has no future because Trump/Biden will strip them of their rights and run the country into the ground with their incompetence… but nothing happened then either.

    Now, in 2024, we have the same candidates from 2020 but more senile and old. Everybody is claiming that if Biden wins he’ll sleep walk us into WWIII and if Trump wins he’ll turn America into a fascist state. Both of these are unfortunate possiblities, however, will we see a mass exodus? History tells us no, we won’t.

    But seeing all the dramatic reactions is still pretty funny.

  • They’re not really comparable. Crypto and blockchain were good solutions looking for problems to solve. They’re innovative and cool? Sure, but they never had a widescale use. AI has been around for awhile, it just got recently rebranded as artificial intellectual, the same technologies were called algorithms a few years ago… And they basically run the internet and the global economy. Hospitals, schools, corporations, governments, the militaries, etc all use them. Maybe certain uses of AI are dumb, but trying to pretend that the thing as a whole doesn’t have, or rather already has, genuine uses is just dumb

  • Biden is bad objectively, I don’t how you can look at him and say “wow, that’s a good president”. Despite his glaring flaws, he still preformed better than I expected, and he’s leagues above his opponent who also has glaring flaws, but 100x worse. It’s pretty sad that we’re in a position we’re these are options.