Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • personally I don’t see why people use the platform with downvotes visible lol, that being said a lot of the statements are valid, but I also believe that it will be worse with Trump as well. I mean he did meet with Netanyahu and tell him to just get the war over with and kill them all, and he has shown solid support of the war. Up to and including saying that a ceasefire is worthless and counterproductive to victory. He’s all but said he wants the genocide to continue on both sides. I’m firmly concerned that if he gets in, his way of “solving the issue” will be sending the US military to resolve the issue, and that’s not something the US needs right now with the tension between other countries already high.

    and before anyone says he can’t do that, remember the last officially declared war was WW2 and that the standard tactic is the president (who is commander and chief) sends troops in for his maximum allowed days, then he turns around and says to Congress “so are you going to help our troops or not?” which moreorless forces their hand at supporting the war.

  • Photobucket did the same thing I almost lost all of my photos that I had on it from my early teenage years because I almost missed the email(I was two days from the DDay)

    Basically they decided that they no longer wanted their free tier and any photos that were stored on the platform as that tier had a certain amount of time before they would be deleted. The platform heavily tried to convince people who are on the free tier that the only way of getting their photos would be to pay for their premium tier for a month and then cancel but I was able to figure out a way to just download it it was hidden heavily in the settings behind multiple paywall triggers.

  • just wait until you have like 40-50$ worth of items, a lot of the time they’ll give you free shipping at a certain price point. Plus some items give you free shipping regardless.

    That being said, I still have prime myself cause I order /a lot/ of small orders and it’s shared with the house, plus I use the family member feature to give my mom prime as well and we just split the cost. When they do away with that feature is when I cancel my sub, 140-160 a year is not worth it for one person to pay alone, that’s roughly 2.5 orders a month