On paper sure. But you never know how long it would take with inheritance.
The only way to know for sure is through experimentation.
On paper sure. But you never know how long it would take with inheritance.
The only way to know for sure is through experimentation.
It’s propaganda thats brainwashing people, not a legitimate news source. It belongs in the trash.
Missing the thunderous applause, but that’s absolutely it.
A distinction between personal and private property needs to be made where one is used to generate capital in exchange for wages and the other is your dildo
That’s always the definition. It is well defined, the problem is that there are national propaganda machines outright lying to the people.
It was like watching a ritual sacrifice to the sun god, in the form of a football field of school children getting dumped into a volcano, all while everyone has cheery smiles.
Pretty neat, but probably not something I’d buy
Same goes for the death of windows 10. I want me some cheap Linux boxes.
Been using this for a while now. For my needs, it’s the best distro out there.
Fetish content
In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace. Examples of third places include churches, cafes, bars, clubs, libraries, gyms, bookstores, hackerspaces, stoops, parks, theaters, among others
I lose something. I lose a bit of my soul every time a job tries to make us take it or some other horoscope bullshit equivalent.
Maybe. That assumes the SCOTUS actually gives a damn, which they’ve routinely shown that they don’t.
Permanently meaning ~1 week.
That’s fine. Just don’t expect to keep your medical license as you sit around doing nothing as people die of preventable deaths.
If you’re a doctor, your job is to save lives. If you intentionally fail to do that job it shouldn’t be your job.
If a fireman refused to put out a fire because they didn’t feel like it, they’d be lose their job too.
Ok, now we’re back to arbitrary carvouts that lead to women dying of preventable issues, so I was right the first time.
I misread your comment, I now better understand what you were saying, and I apologize for being so hostile.
With that said, pregnancy inherently brings with it the threat of death. All pregnancies have a chance (and therefore threat) of death. So regulating them such that they must perform abortion services when there is a threat of death would be a regulation that would force them to abort 100% of requested pregnancies.
if the threat of death is certain
Nice little carve out to allow them to sit by and watch women die under the pretense of uncertainty. Fuck off with this death cult bullshit.
We could instead be out of billionaires in two months.
You’re average sewer rat king is better groomed than that.