Considering capitalists are the ones ACTUALLY hellbent on turning you into a product & suceeded in it (E.g: Selling your personal information)
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Considering capitalists are the ones ACTUALLY hellbent on turning you into a product & suceeded in it (E.g: Selling your personal information)
Ever tried Sabotage ?
God ? Really ? Self-defeating, oh yes via spending billiins of dollars funding coups & sanctioning & bombing them in the name of Freeeeeeedom
Probably like Europe
That’s a clear projection
Their military isn’t as good as they think
Now this is indeed great news
I still can’t wrap my head around why SystemD has become the defacto standard & why aren’t devs trying out OTHER init-systems
All I see is mosquitoes
Shouldn’t it be Gentoo or Arch ?
Yup & honestly that should be changed
So basically Rapture
We sorely need a Truely FOSS/Libre Alternative to GrayJay (*Preferably under an AGPL Licence) So to get the ball rolling, **What does GrayJay have that FOSS alternatives like let’s say NewPipe doesn’t" ?
Well I have more
People simply just don’t like men
Your (as in Americans) Imperial system of Units & measurements is a big joke & you are a British colony & you have bad cars
Based on Redpill
Ah a fellow privacy enthusiast