Super cool. Working on some ebeam sterilization stuff through contractors. Cool to see the nuts and bolts.
Super cool. Working on some ebeam sterilization stuff through contractors. Cool to see the nuts and bolts.
because only product being irradiated goes there. no human should be in that area. plus with the lights off you see the ionized air. that would probably be washed out with another light source.
According to Bloomberg, Johann Rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up, the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.
“How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred and the social warfare?” he said. “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”
… its almost comical how he thinks of this. The first thought is his businesses wont be able to sell luxury to anyone but the ultra wealthy.
you should check this out too…
the pardon is for tax and gun charges, right? no drug charges?
at this point I don’t give a fuck, I just don’t want to hear the words “democrat” and “strategist” in the same sentence anymore.
I saw somewhere there exists a saying along the lines of ‘start sauteing onion, add some garlic, then you figure out what you are going to cook.’ When my wife and I have time to actually cook, this is basically what we do. everything is better with garlic and onions, from German to Korean. The rest is just details.
its all about Maggot Twat
what is the mass arbitration lawsuit about? Is it, as dual_sport_dork’s article suggests, an antitrust lawsuit? If that is the case… I’d rather claw back the ability to sue directly (small claims, yay!). If valve is accused of something else Id love to hear about it.
If y’all have worked with silicone oil, yea it works kinda like this (depending on viscosity).
It creeps up out of containers, it creeps up walls. It gets everywhere.
I had the switched on Bach cassette when I was a kid. I thought it was cool.
Im in CA and we have a skeleton house as well. I see it every day on my commute (its on one of the three roads you have to travel to get into the town). Its fun to se how creative they get with the costumes. Still dressed up for pride month last I drove by.
I have to admit, even while finding the crooked corners of the internet with rotten and CJ, I did hold onto the belief that access to information was going to lift the masses up out of ignorance. I knew about flamewars since the BBS days. I knew about trolls since rm -rf advice was given. I, in my naivete, seriously underestimated the effects of these phenomenon on society writ large.
Ive done it as a cure to a cold. its not great. I will eat toom by the bucketful though
Naturally! Then add another clove for good luck. Plus those two cloves look small, better add another.
I shouldn’t bother engaging with you either. You throw around the word abuse, when talking about a joke regarding striped paint, I honestly dont know where to start with that kind of mentality. Here I go anyway. Constant insults can be abusive, yes. Belittling a child is abusive, absolutely. Striped paint or left handed screw drivers are not that. I am actually raising kids, I am there for them when they need it. When they are in a stable place, I push them to grow. Sometimes that means going a bit farther on our hikes, sometimes it means sounding out the word themselves, or working out the math problem for themself, and sometimes it means pushing them to handle their emotions better. Sometimes it means learning to take a joke.
My brother loves his xterra so much he is on his 3rd (first was an accident, second went to the ex in the divorce). I rarely ride in it, but it seems kinda like a rattle trap to me. I dont know how much of that is his abuse and how much is the car.