Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • A big complaint I saw about the live-action Cowboy Bebop adaptation for Netflix was that the acting was too cartoony/over-the-top.

    Personally, I thought the acting was spot-on for what they were trying to accomplish. It was meant to be a live-action anime, so it was never intended to be 100% tethered to reality to begin with. The characters are meant to be characters, and I thought they did a great job with it. Spike, Faye, and Jet were all perfectly-cast, IMO, and they all felt like their original characters felt from the animated series. There are so many times where you can just close your eyes and listen to them talk to each other, and it feels exactly like it felt watching the anime on Adult Swim back in the early 2000s as a kid.

    I honestly loved the live-action adaptation and thought it was amazing. I’m still immensely disappointed that the reception was so poor that Netflix decided to cancel it halfway through the story. There are so many characters I wanted to see that didn’t appear until later in the original series. I would’ve loved to see a live-action Toys In The Attic or Heavy Metal Queen.

  • At the last apartment I lived in, I thought the people in the unit below me were constantly running an unbalanced washing machine, as I would frequently hear this loud, rhythmic THUNKA THUNKA THUNKA THUNKA coming from underneath my floor, usually for hours at a time. At least, I assumed it was a washing machine, since nobody has that much stamina for it to have been anything else, I thought.

    After a few weeks, I put in a noise complaint because it was starting to get irritating. When the management followed up a few days later, they told me that the tenant below me just had their ceiling fan at full speed and two of the bolts unthreaded themselves, causing it to knock around wildly. And the tenant was deaf, so she had no clue her ceiling fan was only a few days from loosening itself completely and falling apart.

    It’s honestly a little insane that after over a hundred years, we haven’t come up with a better way to move air around a room without dangling 50 pounds of spinning death above your head.

  • Yes. Selling something advertised as a prohibited product, whether or not it’s true, is technically a crime. Assuming we’re talking about the US, in most jurisdictions this would be treated just about the same as if you were actually selling the same volume of the advertised product. I believe the reasoning behind it is that even if it’s fake, you’re creating a market for the real product to be traded, or something like that.

    So if you sell a 1 lb bag of flour calling it cocaine, you’d get charged as if you sold 1 lb of coke. The final judgement may not be as severe as actually selling a pound of coke, but the initial charges typically will be.

    Also, flour and sugar do not look like coke or meth up close. It would be immediately obvious a user/seller the moment it’s in their hands, so this is also a really good way to get your ass kicked.

  • I had a 2006 Ford Taurus that would’ve been stronger if it was built with Legos. Water pump fell off one day - like… just… fell off. The brackets weren’t broken or misshapen or anything like that, it just fell. None of the bolts were loose or unthreaded or anything. I know that doesn’t make sense. I KNOW. It makes even less sense that it happened twice.

    There was also some kind of electrical issue that I could never isolate, but it was causing fuses to blow out every couple months, and would burn out the starter about once a year. I had to replace that starter so many times that I stopped needing to refer to my Chilton book for the steps. Sometimes the power steering would just stop working and then start working again with no warning.