Yes, im aware of those ways. I remember reading that there was a replacement that was specifically emulating the look and feel of Google TV, but simpler and better. You could install it on Chromecast etc.
Yes, im aware of those ways. I remember reading that there was a replacement that was specifically emulating the look and feel of Google TV, but simpler and better. You could install it on Chromecast etc.
Is there an open-source version of Google TV and similar smart TV software? I feel like i read about one quite recently.
My wealthy coworker buys top-of-the-line, really expensive TVs, and then just leaves all that shit turned on.
The original question was not “what bad thing are Americans guilty of?”
The people who worship it are also the people who screwed it all up. It’s like a failed experiment that needs to be reset. The freedom that everyone speaks of is mostly just one person’s way of taking freedom from another.
Wait! I didn’t know this. If I use a VPN can I simply download the Euro version? I don’t mind paying for it.
Edit: I’m i dumbass. You simply select the location on install. How stupid is that? Why does nobody tell me these things?
Yep. This was me. I followed the android Sync app here. User-created content should not be monetized. Im not going to subscribe to something that’s mostly memes, attention-seeking behavior, and bullshit.
I had hated reddit for ages. Many trigger-happy omniscient mods who couldn’t admit to a mistake if it swam up their arse and blew a trumpet. I was eventually perma-banned for glorifying violence by making a Star Wars reference about Trump. I can only assume the mod wasn’t old enough to remember Star Wars movies.
I had been there from the bright and cheerful early days and watched it become 99.8% trash.
Lemmy has hit the rewind button for me. It kinda sucks that so many people are trying to emulate what modern reddit had become, but it still feels refreshing. With a bit of luck, Lemmy will go in a direction I prefer. It’s not that I don’t want people to do whatever they want, but i feel like some instances will cater to certain demographics.
Amazing nostalgia. I can’t remember how to do it!
This is the one. It’s a perfect relaxation show.
I don’t think that’s WHY it’s stigmatised. It had to be stigmatized before that to be applied to selfish people.
It’s a disorder that is harmful to others and difficult to understand. For others to cope with it requires navigating a complex network of negative behaviors. Manipulation and lack of empathy are the traits of a psychopath, and none of us want that.
The OP lacks empathy but evidentally desires it from others. If you understand why you need empathy, then you understand why lack of empathy is stigmatised.
Three-ish years. We live in different countries, and covid happened.
“Childish and rude”.
Kinda reminds me of someone.
It was a joke. I originally wrote Spanish Inquisition, but thought it was funnier to call it the Reddit Inquisition. Sorry for my buttholiness.
You may be right, but it was a quick and dirty way of making my point. I didn’t expect the Reddit Inquisition to be here yet.
Doing the least amount possible to keep a job puts pressure on coworkers to take up the slack. I work in an ER, not an office. When someone is in the bathroom texting, more than they are out on the floor helping its shitty, yes.
My coworker has that kind of sense of humor where he always says the obvious joke you’re hoping nobody will make. Then he laughs, and for some reason, everyone else does.
Also, whenever he helps someone and they thank him, he says, “That will be 10 dollars,” and then laughs about his joke.
The reason i hate it is this: He’s a lazy, quiet-quitting asshole who everyone likes. I, on the other hand, work my butt off. I appreciate a witty, clever sense of humor. However, I’m socially awkward, so nobody likes me!
Is the word “wrong” spelled “wrong” or “rongue”?
I cope pretty well with it. Some people get really depressed when it happens to them. Im okay if there’s noise. At night I listen to podcasts and use a fan next to my bed. At work it’s less noticeable, although fir some reason people think it’s fine to be mean if a coworker can’t hear very well.
For me I had intermittent ringing for a year or two. It would always go away quickly. Then, one morning, I woke up with this much louder chirping sound that’s always there.
I was a metal head. Too many gigs and loud earbuds.
Im the same as you. In my 50’s. My hearing is severely damaged, and my right ear whistles like a thousand sex-crazed crickets 24/7.
If it’s a disability you can diagnose prior to birth, no.