Mine was the day I got my first apartment. I was really just beginning in life and felt like I never really truly knew freedom and safety like having my own soverign space that nobody could revoke or meddle with

  • Canopyflyer@lemmy.world
    13 hours ago

    I was getting ready to leave my girlfriend’s apartment. We had gone out for a walk and ended up having dinner. It wasn’t a formal date or anything, we had been together, officially, for nearly 6 months by that point.

    We hugged and just kept hugging. Not petting or getting frisky, just holding each other and enjoying each other’s company for the final few moments of the evening.

    It just came out, I said “I love you.”

    She tensed and was silent for what felt forever. Long enough to start thinking I just either ended our relationship, or caused serious damage.

    Just when I was about to disengage from her, she relaxed looked up and gave me a very very nice kiss and said; “I love you too.”

    At the time I lived nearly 20 miles away from her and I do not remember the drive at all.

    That was 21 years ago. We have two teenage boys now and happier now than we were back then.

    In case someone wonders why I didn’t stay with her that night, it was a weeknight. We both had work the next day and she had an earlier morning than usual. The following weekend we spent the whole time together.