I don’t get this. I know the person on the left is the trans employee from Linus tech tips, and I saw in the comments who the person on the right is but I don’t get this meme at all
This is a common meme that you either end up as trans or a right winger when you use Linux for a long time.
Not sure about the history, but [email protected] is one classic example and enough public figures like Luke or Brian Lunduke incorporate the other side.
Soo, I’ve been daily-driving Linux for 6 / 7 yrs, and occasionally using it since 2013… How much time do I have before I have to choose? Although, given my lack of self-organization, I probably should’ve already chosen but missed the message notifying me of an upcoming / missed deadline
Example № 1 here.
I love how you can see his right-winginess by just his website
Based Cooking
Land Chad
Am I missing something? Are podcasts a partisan thing now?
Only in combination with the 2 above
At least I have seen countless podcasts with the only goal to shit out right wing content. And it’s perfect for that. Be a nazi, get some other nazi to join you for an hour and talk pure shit about LGBTQ/Migrants etc. Nobody will stop you, and most people aren’t willing to actually debunk a one hour stream of “arguments”. If there even is a comment section.
You’ve consumed countless right wing podcasts?
Didn’t know they?/she? was trans. That’s awesome for them/her! :D
She came out about two years ago or so. Sadly no new videos with her moderating since then, as far as I know.
She goes by Emily now.
Damn that sucks that theyve not been moderating since then…
She’s probs the most knowledgeable seeming talking head on the team.
She was pretty much the only one who pushed for Linux content afaik. So if she’s left LTT, that really sucks…
Super smart. Def had the most technical knowledge from the videos she was in. Nerd levels, but that’s a good thing!
I think she’s actually left LMG, I either saw a YouTube video from her or am just imagining she uploaded one announcing she had left the company.
She left LTT this year.
Not trying to be rude here, but this was my second result searching “Emily LTT”.
It’s ok, we don’t do the lmgtfy anynore. In the future there won’t be a Google and all the links will be broken. If we didn’t change, all the questions would be answered by “just Google it” even though Google will be gone.
I’m using duckduckgo so that is probably why it didn’t appear for me, idk I searched “did emily young leave linus tech tips” and couldn’t see the results.
I appreciate your google fu! Thank you! 👍
Dang. Must be the reason why I stopped watching. Even just behind the scenes she was invaluable.
Right? She was the best!
There’s a Floatplan exclusive from two months ago, and I think another one from a little further back. As for the other comments about her leaving LTT, I’ve heard those rumours as well but never managed to find any source for them, so not sure.
I would subscribe to Emily if she made a separate channel. They were so chill how they talked about Linux and I she could easily teach how to understand it.
Oh shit I didn’t realize they were trans
Those are the only two ways? What about:
Closely related to that:
Well, as long as I don’t have a stroke or something, I won’t turn into a right-winger. So trans it is then, I guess
It’s the dilemma of any alternative space. People seeking alternatives don’t like the mainstream.
And with a bit of generalization, there’s two reasons not to like the mainstream:
- The mainstream is too oppressive
- The mainstream is not oppressive enough
Who’s the guy on the right.
He’s also at least three more people, apparently
It was always about Kenny (Outlaw) since they have similar voices and views. But Brodie? rofl
I just checked his YouTube channel and a lot of his videos have alt-right rhetoric or dog-whistles in the title or thumbnail.
he does not strike me as a nice person :/
Appreciate it! You’re the hero we needed.
Neither honestly
A well rounded person would listen to a variety of voices and carefully pick and choose those parts most pleasing to his character.
Luke Smith was on my watch list when he was talking about DWM. WTF happened to the guy?
Religion and roads scrambled his brains.
It was pre-scrambled. Then after chasing money, he went outside and touched grass, he has not been seen since
I think his recommended reading list still includes “the international jew by henry ford”.
I’m a fan of old 4chan memory, Linux enthusiast, into linguistics, and off grid living. Why that space has to be just filled with irl bigots that want to deny people’s existences I’ll never fully grasp.
My humble request. Please translate to English.
He recommended a Nazi book
Pardon no typo English
Read some random comment saying he got a “trad wife” and basically quit the internet.
Last post on his website seem to be from Feb 2023.
I don’t think he had them all to begin with, but he lost the rest of his marbles. To be honest I think if he was a critical thinker and a bit more open-minded, he would have become an anarchist. But sadly he’s a Christian conservative.
Also as I’ve learned more about linux, I realize he’s wrong about most things there too 😂
He said we was getting off the grid and also traveling to a few places.
He has said everything he felt he had to say. One of his last posts was “Everyone on the internet is a loser” and I figure he’s just gone to practice what he preached.
When people aren’t on internet I always think to myself…
“People actually enjoying their life don’t need to go on the internet to tell everyone about it.”
Enter the culdesac. Welcome to the neighborhood. Feel free to script your house wherever you wish to compile it.
Bitch, it’s 2024! Most of us don’t have houses…
So, all roads lead to Arch is what you are saying?
Turning back is always an option.
deleted by creator
With zero knowledge of who either person is, I’d go for the one who exercises.
You’d go for the right wing kook then
Oof. Who’s the other one?
A cool trans Linux enthusiast who used to work at Linus Media Group. She hadn’t transitioned or even realized she was trans for most of her time there.
She’s really down to Earth, is obviously at least a bit open minded to have transitioned, and presents topics really well.
Ohh she doesn’t work there anymore?
Cool, she sounds like a fun person to hang around.
Although, I don’t think being trans guarantees being open-minded. I know plenty of people who are incredibly racist, but have no problem with gay/trans issues.