I’ve been invited to attend a Tim Walz rally tonight, and I have no idea what to expect. Share your stories and get me pumped up to see our next VP!

Update: Everybody was right, lots of standing and clapping, but what I really didn’t expect was the sense of family I felt with all these strangers around me. We’d bump into each other, and laugh it off, one guy was telling me about how his son was thinking about going to the college that I work at (I was still wearing my shirt from work), and we all just knew that we were working together to make great things happen. I’ll probably skip the next one, but it was a great experience. I’m glad I went, and would recommend going to one if you have a chance, and a candidate you believe in.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Hey, me too! I just commented about it. We got there two hours early. After about an hour I went up to the balcony to vape, and the line outside was at least a mile long. The rally itself was pretty much the same thing we already heard on TV, but it was fun to show our support.

    We also became delegates for him, and moved on to the following caucus. After that fiasco we passed the torch to someone else to carry, because the caucus was a complete train wreck. There were 600 people packed into a tiny middle school gymnasium, and we had to debate for 6 fucking hours over whether we could start debating yet, since some Hillary delegates didn’t show. The other Hillary delegates refused to accept the delegate count, hoping they’d get some more support from the missing delegates, and us Sanders delegates kept arguing that we had waited long enough and should start the debates. All-in-all it was a miserable experience, but I’m glad that we were able to experience it before they changed how votes are handled here in Washington State.