Haters, assemble!!!

Jokes aside, I want to know what drives you to inform the rest of a website, chat, forum, or thread, that you don’t like/enjoy/want/do something.

I wanna hear what your impetus is.

Is the act cathartic? Do you have a personal, negative experience with the thing you’re complaining about? Is the impulse automatic or do you think about it every time?

The question is only as serious as you make it, but I’m curious all the same.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    those are two different things. When things are bad, it’s our duty to address it, lest it become worse. But you can be positive even in the face of a crisis. There are times in my life in which I felt like my world was crumbling before my eyes, and with the benefit of hindsight, I now view those circumstances differently. Sometimes hard changes need to be made, and you can come out the other side stronger and more resilient for having survived it; often times in a better place than you were before (whether that’s physically, mentally, emotionally). Then, with those lessons learned, the next moment you feel like the sky is falling, you can remind yourself that you’ve been through bad before, and sometimes a new perspective is the only thing standing between you and acceptance/peace.

    Also, if you’re having to avoid talking about things because it upsets people, then try to find a new avenue for who you speak that to. I recommend therapy, where the attention and purpose is you and your feelings. Having someone listen, and help you through difficult times/emotions, is an invaluable resource, that I hope you’re fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of.