Just like the title says I want to turn an old tablet of mine into an ereader.

The tablet in question is samsung galaxy tab 3 in which I installed postMarketOS.

I installed the console version, and once everything was set up I ssd into the machine and installed the following packages :

greetd, greetd-openrc, cage, fuse

Downloaded koreader app image into /bin/

Activated the greetd service

rc-update add greetd default

and configured /etc/greetd/config.toml with the following


vt = 1


command="agreety -c sh"


command="cage -s -d -- koreader"

and rebooted the tablet, however I am still stuck with the login prompt no matter what I do.

Any tips on how fix this or a other way I could accomplish my goal?


Got autologin working by ditching out greetd and using agetty, and a simple fortune command to run on startup.

After this I went for the kill and tried to install KOreader using flatpak, due to App Images not playing alright with Alpine. However I noticed something there is no arm build of KOreader for linux arm so my plans were cut short.

Will try to compile KOreader to linux arm if not successful will just put a nice UI and use the little guy as a portable hacking machine.

New update

KOreader was mess to compile so I looked for alternatives and found out foliate which fits my criteria (opds, epub and pdf support) and is in the alpine repos.

Played around with cage and got the thing somewhat working, however no virtual keyboard support for now, figuring that out now.

  • ransomwarelettuce@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    Yeah let’s just say that android 4.x isn’t that great.

    Could try to flash a custom ROM with a more up-to-date version of android but the 1GB of ram would not help.

    Going for the minimal solution with KOreader and Alpine/PostMarketOS might be the best way to bring this buddy back to an useful state.