I can remember playing super mario bros (the OG one) on my console when i was a wee lad since then playing games never gave me any joy and felt like i was wasting time for nothing .

Edit : For clarification i do enjoy other mediums such as tv, movie, books and enjoy working out etc. its just gaming that i am burned out of .

  • Bangs42@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I was primarily a PC gamer. Life happened.

    Time was already tight. I was working 2 jobs totaling ~80 hours a week. About the time I finally quit one, my computer let out the magic smoke. Rent went up, replaced my beater of a car, bought a house because rent was going up again, found out I was going to be a parent, house needed work, replaced my SO’s car, fixed fire damage to the house, SO quit their job, found out I was gonna be a parent x2.

    Things just got busy fast. That computer blew the magic smoke 6-7 years ago now. I’ve saved up the money to replace it several times, but something else more important always comes up. I’d still love to replace it and game again, but I’ve been out of it so long that I don’t even really know what games are out anymore or what I’d like to play, and honestly I get more joy out of occasionally playing Smash Bros on the Switch with my first kiddo. The game is ok, but time with the kiddo is valuable.

    • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Yep. Time and money. I’ve spent the last 10 years having not enough of either. Now I finally have the money, maybe in a few more years I’ll have the time.