It’s an actual thing. When it feels more like you have a teenage son than a partner it’s hard to get turned on by them, even if you weren’t already too exhausted from clearing up after them.
So much this. Working all day is exhausting. So is keeping the house. Having to do both all of the time when you have an able-bodied partner? Gross. No one wants an adult child as a partner.
Men have no idea just how exhausting it is to have to carry all of that weight. Well, some do, I’m sure. I haven’t met any, personally, but that doesn’t mean they’re not out there.
Having a partner that is an actual partner gives you the room to breathe and relax. And honestly, that is the real turn on.
Was gonna make a Ghislaine Maxwell joke but stopped myself.
Could be either, could be a bit of both. Hard to say really. My guess is the last one.
Now go do your chores, you lazy little hottie.
This could be climate-related. She might mean you’re working too hard and need to cool off. Try to stay hydrated out there because you’re looking hot.
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In my experience it’s both 😁
Could be real, either way I definitely get laid more when I do stuff around the house. I read a study that basically suggested doing chores helps because it relieves the stress of your partner, freeing them up to feel a little more amorous.