• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Yes. I am desperate to live. That’s a virtue, not a vice.

    At the end of the day, you just have an inaccurate view of reality. You’re motivated by anger to think prolonging liberalism isn’t worth it because it’s a shit worldview that should be destroyed. I agree that it sucks and should be replaced, but I recognize that empowering fascism has no real upside. It doesn’t matter what liberalism “deserves,” as blame is only useful in guiding us to real justice. Mechanically, what is the best strategy for minimizing harm and maximizing well being?

    • bouh@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      The liberals are empowering fascism. Which is the problem you seem blind to.

      But as always liberals will never be accountable for their faults, and when fascism rise they blame it on the left. Exactly as you’re doing.

      • SeducingCamel@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        I asked someone on here if they’d punch a nazi, really disappointing response. Feel like this guy would say it’s wrong too

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        You just can’t accept the possibility that I agree about liberals & liberalism empowering fascism. You talk about blame and accountability, assuming those concepts are anything but instrumental in accomplishing real justice.

        Real justice is making things as good as you can in the future, & being just is the practice of trying your best to do so with the information you have. Punishment for punishment’s sake is a fools errand.

        I don’t give a flying fuck about making liberals suffer. I want what’s best for me and others. Not voting won’t make things better than if I vote Dem, the same as I did in 2020. That’s the bottom line.

        • bouh@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          You’re not making things better. You’re trying for things to not be too much worse.

          When the choices are both bad, I don’t want to be an accomplice to any of them. I don’t want to validate any of them. Because they’re both bad. There just happen to be one worse than the other. But it’ll happen eventually anyway regardless of your choice in this election.

          • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            You’re not making things better. You’re trying for things to not be too much worse.

            You say this like it isn’t my point. You’re not invalidating shit. It can easily be argued that not voting makes you the accomplice of whoever wins the election. You chose not to vote, so you’re fine with whoever wins. If Biden wins, you’re responsible. If Trump wins, you’re responsible. You could have weighted in on how much worse things should get, but I guess it’s up to liberals and fascists.

            You cannot get off the boat. You have to deal with it as much as everyone else. Not voting will not make you or other leftists better off, especially because there is no good plan or strategy on how to prepare for this mythical 2nd round. Like I said, death cult larper shit.

            • bouh@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              That cannot be argued. Because that would make it a parody of democracy like China or Russia.

              Either you can not vote for either candidate, or your democracy is not worth more than those parodies of it.

              • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                That would make it a parody of democracy like China or Russia.

                If I lived in China or Russia, I would still vote if I could. I’d have to avoid psyop candidates for my own safety, but I’d definitely exert what little will I had to pick the lesser evils.

                Why? Even with those shit elections, the are some issues on the ballot. I couldn’t choose any anti authoritarian candidates, but I could vote for someone who’d be better on more contested issues. Maybe I could choose a candidate that follows science more, or is less aggressive about invading Taiwan. That last one is a big deal, as war is way worse than most people think. It’s honestly hard to have net gains out of wars for the ones fighting.

                In local elections, you can build up support for a slightly better narrative; a narrative that won’t directly question the state, but make it suck less. States suck, but you HAVE to exist in them until they actually collapse. You can undermine them, but only if you have a plan. That strategy must be thought out, organized, and prepared for, just like how the theocratic fascists have done it. They built to the movement that exists now, convincing Christians to abandon liberalism in any form. They did this by WINNING elections, not by boycotting them.

                If anything, it could be argued that a collapse of liberalism under Biden would be better for revolutionaries than a fascist takeover that eventually collapses. That fascist state will crush all leftist organizing in ways that liberals wouldn’t even think of. They will force all Marxist discussions underground and do frequent raids of the tunnels. That doesn’t sound like breeding ground for leftism to me.

                If a liberal state collapses, people will be unenthusiastic about liberalism. If a fascist state that used to be liberal collapses, liberals can more easily argue that we need to return to liberalism. The only way your perspective makes sense is if you assume liberalism can’t collapse without turning to fascism. I doubt that’s backed up by history. Liberal states might turn authoritarian in their final moments, but that isn’t really like the populist fascism of Trump.

                • bouh@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Liberals are already fighting leftists. With more subtle ways than fascists are doing, but they are fighting hard.

                  In France the liberals spent months to convince people that the left was more dangerous than the fascists. They are litteraly fighting the left with the police. Forbidding protests and breaking them with heavy police forces. They are cooperating with the fascists, making laws with them against immigration and workers.

                  Basically the liberals are turning fascist light in order to fight the left. It’s the most violent, the most radical Liberal government the Vth Republic had. Some conservative are also talking about giving the president a third run eventhough that’s forbidden by the constitution.

                  The liberals don’t fight fascism. They never did and they will never do it. They ally with them when they feel threatened. They join them when they feel there’s an opportunity to do it.

                  It’s been 40 years of this game in France. Liberals pretend to be left. When in power, they betray and do hard liberalism instead. And they blame all the problems on a lack of liberalism, and on immigration. Exactly like the fascists. So naturally people go to the far right.

                  What’s left is two nuances of fascism.

                  The left is fighting still though. The fight is to be done on the left first sadly, because so many people are trying to win the race, believing that the liberals in power are not so bad in the meantime.

                  I’d rather have a fascist leader so that the liberals may wake up while the State is still robust enough to not turn this into a disaster. Because the longer we wait, the more the liberals will dismantle everything. And when there’s no barrier, no counterpower, and they already started political repression, then the fascists will only have to do the same, but better.

                  Maybe that’s why you’re so scared btw. Maybe your country already lost too many of its defenses against fascism. If it is the case, you’re doomed. It’s already too late. You’re fighting to save a sinking ship.

                  I’m not gonna vote in your country, but I will do everything I can for mine to not turn into a sinking ship. And it means not supporting the people who are actively sabotaging it.

                  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                    8 months ago

                    Again, all I hear is “sorry, accept your death so the leftists from non minoritized groups can bring about rapture.” It’s always sad to see cultists like you. You care more about protecting your identity than protecting your life, ignoring easily proven truths to prevent being wrong.