Hey all I just came across an emergency situation irl that I felt useless in because of how slowly I was thinking. Basically it was someone getting an epileptic seizure and I had the info in my head for what to do but I did end up freezing a bit before I did anything. Really didn’t like it. The person is fine now but if I had reacted faster, we might have been able to prevent a couple problems.

I’ve been in other emergencies before where I had to call the shots but I guess I want to think faster and keep it consistent at a higher level, and I want to improve on it for future scenarios, but what can I do to do that?

Edit: Just wanted to say thanks for everyone’s replies, I’ll be looking into a routine to acclimate myself with these kinds of situations

  • Holyginz@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    As someone who used to be a lifeguard, it’s 99% boredom and 1% pure adrenaline. I only had to jump on once and it was for a toddler at swim class. They didn’t have floaties on and were sitting on the side of the pool. The instructor was in the water with another kid with no floats and the one on the side of the pool slipped in and sank. The instructor couldn’t just let go of the other child so I jumped in and pulled the kid out. There was no thinking just doing. I didn’t realize until afterward I’d cut up my foot relatively bad when I reacted but couldn’t even feel it getting the kid.