So many people that take psychology courses end up working in the advertisement industry because that’s where the jobs are if you have a psychology degree. Very few people sit back and think about the implications of the scientific study of the mind being used by companies to distort peoples perceptions and make them buy things.

They are literally trying to control our minds. It’s not a conspiracy theory this is out in the open public information. If some companies decided to they can make you depressed to sell more things to you and you wouldn’t even know it.

Imagine the pick a teenage boy. This boy is a bit shy and insecure. Now, psychology was originally intended to help people. Under the capitalist model it doesn’t. Now this teenage boy instead of being recommended stuff to help them will instead be recommended the likes of Andrew Tate and so on. This person won’t even know what hit them and won’t even understand the turn of events that will lead to those videos being recommended. But they are recommended to him. Suddenly his change in behaviour pushes people away and he falls deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole.

They get more depressed. More lonely so they start buying shit like AI girlfriends but they aren’t real. They get recommended more hateful content as well. They will sprial deeper into depression. This person will likely seek help at this point. Perhaps they’ll recommend putting effort into real world connections so they download something like tinder. But all these apps are designed to make you pay in order to succeed so he pays to get special access. Now the ad companies know they’ll loose money if this now grown man becomes confident so they start recommending content that’ll make them more anxious and depressed about the experience. They give up and retreat further into depression. The whole time the person who is being targeted, their family, their therapist and their loved ones will never be able to put the dots together. They’ll wonder what went wrong not knowing that their personality was already decided for them by ad companies years ago.

So like that they add companies weaponising human psychology can target a teenage boy and basically plan out the next ten years of their life. Think about how dystopian the weaponisation of psychology is when a family member of yours goes down the alt right pipeline after “suddenly” being recommended such videos.

    9 months ago

    We as a society aren’t okay with it. There’s tons of pushback against it. But the corporations own the politicians that make the laws. We need to revoke the “corporations are people” ruling to make any progress on this and many other fronts.

      9 months ago

      Fully agree. I would also hope to see a complete ban on advertising to children, and to get rid of obnoxious billboards.

        9 months ago

        One thing I love about where I live is that billboards are illegal. Every time I go somewhere that has a lot of billboards I’m overwhelmed with how intrusive they are.

      9 months ago

      Corporations are also practiced at using advertising campaigns to sway the general public against policies that would weaken the company’s power.

      So to change this, some brave politicians would need to act not only against the financial interest of themselves and their political party, but also possibly against a large chunk of the general public pushing back against the changes (most likely led by ‘mainstream media’). Politicians willing to do this kind of thing exist… but unfortunately not enough of them.