Can’t stop me from beeping as an organic.
::Windows startup noise::
No Excel. No software of any kind. Just a gif of a rat spinning in circles for eternity
If I turn into a computer and someone installs Excel, please unplug me.
Not excel. Pls no. Pls LibreOffice Calc
One word: dust
The mind of 3023 rests in a brain of superconductor and silicon
You misspelled OpenOffice Calc
You misspelled LibreOffice Calc :)
Seriously, OpenOffice hasn’t had any major updates since 2015 and it barely gets any maintenance. It doesn’t even get security updates in a timely fashion. LibreOffice on the other hand is actually actively developed and is 11 years worth of features, bug fixes, improvements to Microsoft Office compatibility, quality of life tweaks, etc. ahead of OpenOffice
If I upload my mind to a Mac, do I become more digitally beautiful than PC digi-people, but far less cognitively flexible?
(BTW, please don’t flame me for hating on Macs, I used Macs for most of my life, it’s just a joke.)
You become more digitally beautiful but cannot help the feeling that you have lost a small part of you in the process. You traverse your new habitat only to realise large parts of it are walled off to you.
You eventually acquiesce to your situation, as a metaphorical bird in a carefully designed and elegant yet ultimately hollow bird cage.
(Also a Mac & Linux user, I’d really be hoping nobody takes enough offense at joke posts like this in 196 Lemmy to warrant a flame war).
LOL, indeed, but would I also enjoy better digital health, because most viruses and malware are designed for PC digi-people? 😆
A lain profile picture, how surprising
I was waiting for someone to notice the juxtaposition
trades imperfect flesh for the immortality of the machine
Doctors see you upload your mind and say “bet you can’t afford life extension augmentation”
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.
Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you.
But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal."
Reminds me of Black Mirror
Or Upload, what happens when you run out of money to pay for the good afterlife subscription and microtransactions start bleeding you dry?
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell is also a good exploration of the subject
This sounds really good! I love Neal Stephenson, I’m a little surprised I haven’t heard of it, thanks!
And then put the computer in a dump truck. It’d be pretty fun to be a dump truck for 10 years or so, traveling, seeing things get built, making snarky comments to the dudes working the gravel pit or whatever. And maybe some other person is in the crane computer and we relate because we are both post-humans.
Now you will suffer the worst fate: getting a BSOD
just reboot me then doh
Don’t they automatically reboot when that happens nowadays though?
Or I can install Linux and get fucking murdered by the OOM killer instead! Yay
You’d be the first immortal computer, that’s for sure