Yo ho yo ho.
I don’t understand how people paying for prime can stand that crappy prime video UI anyway.
- it’s basically fine and unoffensive ui to 99.9% of people
- people see it as functionally free because they bought prime for free delivery
- People don’t know how to pirate
I’m deep into the seven seas but I still use prime because a family member pays for it. Its a decent enough ui and has some live stuff I can throw on to keep kids entertained. However, I’ve already added the shows I watch on prime to my jellyfin server just because this change is going to make me not want to use it anymore.
I weighed anchor despite paying for Prime for years. For one, you never know when they’ll drop a show, and two I prefer all my media in my polled interface.
I ended up dropping Prime two years ago because Amazon simply can’t hold up their end of their 2 day bargain. I live in a college town and when the school year starts their delivery time stretches to nearly 2 weeks. The rest of the year it fluctuates between 3 and 7 days. That’s not Prime in any way. Of course, without prime, note they wait 3-6 days before even shipping my packages so everything is a week to ten days. OTOH, Walmart - though having a smaller selection- is being me next day service on about 60% of my orders and two day on the rest …for less than half the annual fee.
My only lament is the weird Chinese electronics/components Amazon sellers stock FBA. It doesn’t take me too long to get to $35, but I do miss the $5 impulse buy of small packs of arduino actuators or pneumatic push connectors when inspiration strikes.
Yep. I don’t consider it as a valuable streaming platform. If they removed it from the general prime I would not buy it separately.
Still a better UI than Disney+ too
I didn’t realize just how good the Netflix UI was until using Paramount+
I can understand 1 and 2, although, for 3, even though, most of my (nontechie) friends don’t know how to pirate, they know how to look up grey streaming sites like 123movies, sflix, fmovies, etc
I’m a shameless sailor but my wife has it for the free shipping.
Their menus are ass but I really like the actual player ui. Love pausing and seeing who is in the scene.
I can’t agree with #1. The interface is that of Amazon’s regular storefront and it often mixes paid media in with the free stuff or has stupid stuff like seasons 2, 4, & 6 being free while 1, 3, & 5 are paid. Maybe it’s different in the TV apps, but the browser version is atrocious.
The player interface is excellent. Being able to see who the actors are in each scene is one of my favorite UI features.
I agree that finding a thing you want to watch is meh at best. Especially because they mix in rentals, purchasable content, and prime content all in the home interface window.
That said, yo ho matey.
Yes, X-ray is a fantastic feature. I have to give them that. The rest of it is trash.
Yeah if you hate immersion it’s great.
They also have a ton of subtitles and audio options. Like a shit ton.
Meanwhile Netflix most times doesn’t even have subtitles in one or more of the official languages where I live. And for sure they could have more, considering where they operate, they just choose not to.
However prime UI sucks for splitting shows between seasons so they get recommended multiple times. It just makes no sense
Poster might be describing how fucking awful Prime arranges shit on a Fire stick. Search taking you to specific episodes rather than to the show. Seasons split up into mini seasons 201, 202, 203, 204. Kids shows are the worst, sometimes the seasons are split into different show listings.
It’s truly impressive how a huge corporation can build the shittiest UI of them all.
When I still was paying for prime (cancelled it last price increase) I was pirating any prime videos as that was easier than dealing with the shitty prime video UI.
Not to mention the shockingly bad picture quality.
The 4k stuff isn’t terrible, but anything that’s in HD is bloody awful.
I originally started paying for prime for the free shipping. Prime video is a perk as far as I’m concerned. I haven’t re-evaluated it in a long time though to see if it’s worth it. I do order a ton of stuff on amazon since I live 160km from the nearest city.
I pay for Amazon prime. The only time I watch Prime Video is every once in a while I wonder: is Stargate: Universe as terrible as I remember? And then I try watching it and remember that it is. 
I honestly thought it wasn’t terrible and would have benefitted from fleshing out the rest of the story. It was definitely a huge departure from the styling of SGU and Atlantis but not horrible on its own.
I hit the high seas when they wouldn’t let me watch the shit i paid for in high def. Fuck that.
The UI had a “recent” glow up, it was way worse before.
The moment each show got a pre-reel for another Amazon show this was clearly the path they where taking.
Already cancelled a good 6 months ago.
Yeah, Prime Video already has commercials.
Yeah I thought that was a pretty obvious attempt to ease people into it. So this news doesn’t come as a shock. If anything I’m surprised it took this long.
At least they give you a slip button, unlike Paramount+
“We aim to have meaningfully fewer ads than linear TV and other streaming TV providers. No action is required from you, and there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership,”
The double-speak is relatively subtle, but it’s always interesting to see how much work they put into gaslighting their customers:
- “No action is required from you…” - yes, Amazon hopes we do nothing, but Amazon unilaterally changed the assumptions underlying agreement, so “no action” is an acquiescence to a materially worse reality for us and a better one for Amazon.
- “…there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership” - yes, no additional dollars are required because Amazon is now selling our time and attention, but that is still a new “fee” we are paying.
Pretty gross, Amazon.
The enshittification will continue until profit margins improve
Enshitification won’t stop until the frogs realize that they are being boiled to death and jump out of the pot.
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Hey, I want free money, too.
The enshittification will continue until the demand for profit is removed*
…demand for constant growth is removed.*
until profit margins improve
What is this mythical profit margin/amount that companies would be willing to accept? There is no limit to corporate greed…
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I am in the exact same boat. The removal of “free” rotating streaming video content and limiting it to only Amazon funded shows with “free with prime” videos being hosted by 3rd party apps (fuck off, freevee) was bad enough but to start showing ads was the final straw
I cancelled my prime today. $150/yr. I can wait a few extra days for the things I need to order
I went through this a couple years ago. Decided Jeff Bezos does not need any more money, cancelled prime. Funny this was that most things ship the same as always, get them in like 2 or 3 days.
In fact, most other online retailers offer similar free 2 day shipping to stay competitive and I usually find stuff of Amazon first.
Should have done it sooner.
I can wait a few extra days for the things I need to order
Amazon’s already provided that. Their delivery went from stellar to shit.
I don’t stream much but being disabled, I can’t get to the store so I do order stuff from Amazon. What I’ve seen in the last few years is an influx of Chinese sellers with tons and tons of garbage and all of the reviews are completely worthless, of course.
This has been my main observation with Amazon over the past few years. It’s just cheap knockoffs that have gamed the system. It’s frustrating to shop there and a dice roll whenever you order something.
The only reason I ever had Prime was free shipping, then I realized as soon as I bundled my orders to be over a certain dollar figure I STILL got free shipping, I kicked Prime to the curb.
For me it was the “Amazon Day” shipping that bundles up a week’s worth of separate orders into one shipping day. Convenient sure but now I’m not getting 2-day shipping… so what am I paying for again? I’ll just bundle up the orders and shipping my damn self.
Yeah, if I need something next day, I’ll go buy it today. :)
I cancelled Amazon Prime awhile ago when the customer service took a nose dive and I realized too many of the 3rd party vendors were using Amazon as their defective products outlet.
But I actively and permanently skipped out on an Amazon Prime subscription because they refused to give me a pro-rated refund on the remaining 8-9 months of service after I cancelled. They literally told me that they start with the pro-rated amount, then subtract out the cost of all the “free” movie/show/music rentals as well as all the “free” shipping on orders during the time you’ve had prime, and you only get whatever remains (if anything). Within the first 3 -4 months, I had already accrued enough “free” $5.99 shipping and $3 - $4 rentals that it exceeded the $100 or whatever cost of a prime membership was back in those days, so I got no refund. Bunch of crooks.
No surprise, I’m completely on board with folks kicking Prime to the curb.
wow, wtf. what a scam.
You can even get a free week of prime for 2 dollars by just not giving-in which you can then immediately cancel and get ovre and over and over and over again.
I’m getting really tired of all this enshitification.
Now corporations start with that bulshit of “oh, that model wasn’t sustainable actually” even though it worked perfectly fine for the last decade and they still get record profits year after year. They keep ripping everything from under us, this gotta stop.
It’s not enough to make money, they have to make all the money. They have a requirement for perpetual growth.
Yes, which is impossible in a world with finite resources. Utter madness.
Attempting to squeeze more money out of everything is only making the world worse. Everything is disposable, service-bound and overmonetized, and they keep pushing more and more ads and psychological trickery at us to try to sell it.
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Amazon has been progressively getting worse and worse. I was not a member of Prime for the video. It was a nice perk.
The combination of Amazon making it hard to search for things to buy, the huge amount of low quality crap for sale with confusing descriptions, and this most recent change of putting in place ads if I do not pay an additional fee has led me to cancel my subscription.
They have taken the enshittification too far. Good bye Amazon. Hello Home Depot, Target, et al.
Sadly, both Home Depot and Target have “marketplaced” their online stores as well, so you have to sort through the garbage just like Amazon.
Select the “available for local pickup” option to weed out all the trash. Even if you’re buying to be shipped.
I’ve pretty much stopped buying stuff online, except from small brick-and-mortar stores who have their own independent online store.
I did a review on Amazon yesterday that said I was shocked to receive a quality product because everything on modem Amazon is post war recycled tin toy quality.
They have not approved my review.
It’s like a second golden age of internet piracy, and it’s happening because streaming over saturated itself just like cable lmao
The cancelled Coyote vs ACME movie might only be available on the high seas, matey. It be my current white whale, yarr.
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Yeah, streaming services are losing the plot. I’m good lol.
Give it time and we’ll all be back on Netflix with all the catalogs available there.
Pirate services are cheaper and have better apps
Pirate “services”?
Servarr Suite. Netflix interface, piracy backend. Operates over Usenet. Can handle movies, tv, music and ebooks. I’ve been told there are viable workarounds for televised sports, specifically F1.
Planning a build with my friend, we are going 50/50 in for a dedicated Jellyfin server + NAS to preserve all our media.
I’ve got the next week off, migrating from Plex to Jellyfin is on my todo list, but I really like the pipeline I have set up now for … my sailing habit. arrr
I’ve been trying, but for some reason, it will not recognize my HD. I’be reformatted my drive…tried different drives…I don’t know what else to do.
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Thanks for reminding me to cancel my prime.
You’re welcome.
I have Prime and have never actually used it. I still watch Amazon shows, but I’ll be fucked if I use their shit interface or expose myself to their datamining to do it. Let alone watch fucking ads.
Piracy is a UX issue.
I tried to use their UX. Its bad. And the worst is I fell asleep watching something like Project Bluebook once. And the Prime Reccomendations streamed a SHITLOAD of alien conspiracy content while i slept. It ruined the recs etc. And you cant delete the primary account profile…only the sub-profiles.
Frankly i only go on it to see what I should maybe load into Sonarr/Radarr at this point. fuck em.
That’s actually kind of hilarious
Yeah it is in a way. Thankfully it doesn’t leech into my main Amazon shopping reccomendations.
So you absorbed a bunch of alien conspiracy stuff while you were sleeping?
Worse. It went off into other conspiracy subjects like 9/11 and all sorts of crap. Theres frankly a lot of weird stuff on amazon prime for free that i would have never seen had i not dozed off.
Most of the other apps (netflix, plex, etc) and even the streaming platform (roku) have measures to combat falling asleep. Whether its disabling auto-play (which amazon didnt have) or bandwidth saver features that will periodically ask if you are still there (which amazon appears to somehow bypass or disable, or did).
These days though i set a sleep timer to shut off the lights and TV at midnight.
I was watching Yellowstone on Prime back in 2021, before they moved it to a premium tier, and the audio was always out of sync when using Prime Video, so I had to adjust the audio sync latency, and remember to switch it back when watching other content. This was on an Nvidia Shield Pro, too, so not some scrappy TV vendor’s implementation of the app on some underpowered SoC.
After a while, I gave up and just watched it on my Plex server instead. I could also use the Watch Together feature to watch it synchronously with friends, a feature not supported by Prime Video.
In my case, the piracy (if you call it that, when I was at the time a Prime member) was absolutely a UX issue, not a price issue.
If there are commercials, why should someone need an Amazon Prime membership at all? It becomes just like broadcast TV then, and they should just allow anyone to watch to maximize revenue. They have all this AWS infrastructure to deliver video, why not maximize the use of it?
But wouldn’t they make more money by not requiring a subscription and having many more viewers? They will get paid for showing ads, not collecting Prime subscriptions.
If you don’t have prime you might not buy things from Amazon which would probably be a net loss compared to the potential ad revenue increase.