The best part of video games back in the day was making memories with your friends, now it all feels like structured fun. “This is how you play the game and this is when you are supposed to have fun” Idk if that makes sense.

    1 year ago

    This is a common thread and question that I’ve seen pop up all over the internet since I first joined message boards in the early 00s. It’s you and I dont mean that in a judgmental way, but it sounds like you’re probably burned out or being brought down by other factors in your life.

    I said it in 2002 on gamefaqs, I said it in 2005 on my small local game message board, I said it in 2010 on reddit, and I’ll say it again. The best time for gaming is now. Because there are still good games coming out regardless of the bad contemporary trends, and the indy revolution of the 10s has only made that more true. On top of that all the classics you know and love are still behind us and playable.

    I think you need to take a step back and try to figure out exactly what it is about gaming that you used to enjoy and try to figure out why you may not be enjoying games anymore. It could be the type of game youre playing, it could be that you’re just burned out, and it could be external factors in life.

    Did you used to play games with friends and family that have drifted apart as you got older? Does work leave you drained and with little time and energy to play your long playsession single player experience? Is the game that you’re playing one with a toxic community? Do you feel unfulfilled in other parts of your life and feel guilty that instead of working on that you’re engaging in your hobby? Are you experiencing other mental health issues like depression or anxiety that might be tinting your enjoyment of things?

    There are a number of reasons you might fall into and out of gaming. I’m in my 30s and I personally go through seasons and times when I play a lot of games and when I focus my hobbys on something else. Ive felt like “maybe I’ll never get that immersive feeling again like I did at 18” a bunch of times in my life and then picked up games I couldnt put down. Once you find out the why you can try and tackle the problem.

      1 year ago

      I’m not OP, but I feel like I want to add on to this if that’s alright. I think it’s often easy to get into this mindset when a trend seems to overtake a lot of the industry. For instance, personally I’ve noticed a common game that seems to get churned out a lot in recent years: it’s open world, but has nothing in it and is given light RPG elements that don’t really add anything. That doesn’t mean every game is like that, of course, but I think it can be easy to fixate on what we’re tired of seeing. Eventually, someone will come up with a new trend, and the empty open world games will fade out, and the cycle will continue as it always has. It’s also interesting to point out that humans tend to remember the past more fondly, so it’s easy to remember old gems and ignore the flops. Anyway, thanks for entertaining my ramble.

    1 year ago

    What types of games are you playing? Sounds like you are describing a generic AAA “live service” game, there are plenty of fun games but you have to search for them in a sea of soulless corporate cashgrabs. I would recommend trying games by smaller developers. If you want to play with friends I would recommend indie co-op games like risk of rain 2 or deep rock galactic. Or maybe you are just burnt out on gaming? Never hurts to take a break, try another hobby for a bit and come back reinvigorated

      1 year ago

      Live service games, MMOs, gatcha games, and many hardcore multiplayer games are the worst for this. They love to waste player’s time on some repetitive grind because they want players to keep playing their game. They usually have either microtransactions (often for cosmetics) or a subscription.

      Personally, I love MMOs, but I try to avoid playing any grindy content (or at least as long as I don’t think I’ll genuinely enjoy it). So I’ll usually play a game for a few months (they’re really big games) and then quit for years, if not permanently (I have a bunch of MMOs I intend to someday return to, but have not yet).

      Single player games are generally much better at being genuinely fun. Especially story driven games. I also love open world games because you largely get to make them your own. It’s perfectly valid to beeline the story missions if that’s all you care about. Or you could do just the side quests. Or you could additionally explore like crazy. e.g., with Tears of the Kingdom, you really can ignore most of the shrines and largely focus on the story quests. None of the side quests are necessary, either. You don’t have to explore the depths except for a tiny few places for the story. The vast majority of sky islands can be ignored. But I personally had a lot of fun exploring, so I explored nearly everything and loved it (except most of the depths – they were way too big, empty, and repetitive).

      Some people don’t like long games, though. And that’s fine! There’s tons of short or more streamlined games out there that you can have fun with. e.g., The Last of Us is a fantastic one. The sequel is about 24 hours long for the story and it felt like it flew by in the blink of an eye for me cause I was having so much fun.

    1 year ago

    It’s not you. I don’t find most games, even games I used to really splunk a lot of time into happily, much fun anymore.

    I’ve been watching Yahtzee’s Extra Punctuation lately, and he his hitting on the same gestalt - most games, especially AAA games, are really boring now because they are really pretty much the same game repainted now. OK, that’s a bit of an oversimiplification, but I’d direct you to his several recent commentaries for the deeper insight.

    I can remember when I loved the idea of playing online. After a couple of decades of it, I hate online games now (mostly because I despise online game players now). I still love playing a good co-op game with a couple of friends (but those good games in that class are a bit thin on the ground) and I still love finding a good, immersive single player to sit down with. But I don’t care for platformers, or side-scrollers, or jumper-puzzles, or Souls games - at least not anymore.

    So what am I playing? Well, I am getting a hell of a lot of bang out of my buck playing small games on my iPad from Apple Arcade, believe it or not. I fire up Steam once in a while and look, chin in hand, at my large library of collected games on a fancy-pants Alienware monster gaming machine, sigh, and go back to playing Spell Struck (basically a Scrabble game) on my iPad, because at least it makes me think of good words to use.

    Ten years ago, I would be jittery with the impending release of something like Starfield or Diablo IV. Now I’m like “No rush, buy it in 6 months or a year when it goes on sale and the bugs are ironed out.”

    1 year ago

    Depression has definitely made it extremely hard to enjoy gaming these days. It was so easy to hop on the pc after class in college, and jump into a game with 8 or so friends, playing all night. Now in adulthood, there are no friends to play with, and such little time to actually play. Not to mention games have become about milking whales with microtransactions, and less about a fun experience. Combine that with the world’s downward spiral, and it makes it very hard to be a happy gamer.


    1 year ago

    It’s not “just you”, but it’s simply burnout from the genres you play these days. A lot of people experience it from time to time. Either stop playing for a while, or expand your scope to different genres. Not only are some amazing indies coming out all the time, but you’ll also find incredible older games that way.

    1 year ago

    shrug I play mostly single-player RPGs and similarly story-heavy games, so while the mechanics are different and the graphics much prettier, the structure is the same as it’s been for the past 30+ years: Follow the story to get anywhere, or just wander around in your current area if you want to grind.

    1 year ago

    I feel that certain games can be like that. I’m big time into single player games with good stories where you can get lost in it all. I used to play more multiplayer games like battlefield with friends and it was a great time but it does seem those types of games have gone the way of wanting to analyze every player move and figure out how to monetize the player. Maybe that’s what you’re running into.

    1 year ago

    I’m mostly a single player person, like 90% of the time, so I feel like I don’t have a dog in this (I can’t say “games aren’t fun anymore”, because all I need to do is look at Steam to prove myself wrong; I’ll find some weird or fun looking indie or AA games in that sea). That being said, I think I know what you mean when you say “structured” fun:

    Instead of being left to play the game your way, learn it, master it, even break it by finding some glitch or exploit (which normally get fixed in the name of balance. Understandable, but sometimes having overpowered and unbalanced things ingame makes stuff even more fun), there’s a “path” the game clearly wants you to take to succeed (usually meta gear), stuff like “headshot 5 enemies with X gun in 5 seconds” or “kill an enemy player while rocket jumping” are now achievements for you to earn rather than stuff you’d do of your own skill and free will (maybe not the right words for that, but it’s what came to mind lol), and like another comment said, the devs are now trying to monotize every move you make, instilling FOMO, and trying to get you to buy boosts so you don’t have to do the intentionally harsh grind for the stuff and other advantages to tip the odds in your favor.

    …Or I could be completely off base with that second paragraph and you meant something else when you said “structured fun”

    1 year ago

    Play indie games. There are still a lot of fun games out there. AAA games are all “live services” nowadays and designed to maximize your play time, not fun.

    1 year ago

    What kinds of games are you missing and which ones are rubbing you the wrong way these days?

    1 year ago

    I started avoiding games that make it hard to play without choosing the meta. I look for indie games where solving mysteries about the game made it more interesting. Its not for everyone but it could be a breath of fresh air for anyone looking to get away from games that expect you to play a specific way or to grind for new stuff.

    1 year ago

    Maybe try a different genre, or even a different format. Instead of multiplayer fighting games, try a social deduction game.

    1 year ago

    Aside from nintendo related products, I have stopped playing most AAA titles for this reason. The only reason I have stuck with nintendo is because I can still get excited and be impressed with what they release, though this isn’t as much of a guarantee as it used to be.

    I usually play indie games when I’m looking for something fresh, or I play retro titles when I want to revisit my roots and remind myself why I fell in love with gaming in the first place.

    I also have a selection of comfort titles I reach for when I’m feeling down and nothing else is bringing me joy. Stardew Valley, Earthbound, Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Skyrim are my shortlist.