So I’ve been iso live testing Manjaro KDE Plasma lately and it looks very polished.

On the other hand, there is a negative vibe towards it.

Why the hate?

    11 months ago

    These aren’t all versions per se but mostly variants, versions and versions of variants. For example, we have packaged the xanmod kernel which is a modified kernel optimised for desktop use but it has two variants: Main and LTS. We have packaged both.

    Here are the names of all of our kernels currently to give you an idea (as a JSON list):


    (Note that some of these are aliases; linuxPackages_latest is currently linuxPackages_6_6 for example.)

    Each of these has the following nvidiaPackages (modulo incompatibilities):


    (Again, some of these are aliases.)

    This is useful to have because users might have hardware constraints. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where a user might have a WiFi chip that only works with kernel ABIs < 5.4 and require the 470 nvidia driver for their old GPU. Packaging just the latest kernel and just the latest Nvidia driver would make this user unable to use their system.