This may or may not be inspired by the nebula original abolish everything, a show I have not watched.
Digital billboards. That degree of rapid pace advertising is toxic, also those fuckers are bright AF.
I would extent this to billboards in general. Its annoying and nonsensical to advertise private products in public spaces
I would extend this as well to solicitors.
Regional locks.
Why the fuck can’t I watch first 2 seasons and last 2 seasons of an anime on crunychroll sony? Why the fuck can’t I register your accounts to my country sony? Why the fuck can’t I buy your games on steam in my country sony? Why the fuck can’t I listen to your music on my streaming subscription, sony?
There is no reason for this shit to exist.
People saying “blog” when they mean post. You did not write a new blog on your blog, you wrote a new post on your blog.
You do not drive your car on the car. You drive your car on the road.
Do people still have blogs?
Totally. Whole businesses have sprung up for running and monetizing them. Check into Ghost, WordPress and WooCommerce, Memberful. Lots of other options.
Blimey I thought it was entirely social media.
I would like to abolish subscription fees for most items that really shouldn’t have subscription fees. If you bought the item, it should be yours. That’s the point of buying the item.
I think if you buy something, and you modify it to provide subscription services without being subscribed, it should be legal.
Example, that stupid Mercedes where they charge a fee for the heated seats. If you flash your own software on the car that allows heated seats, it should totally be legal to do so.
That’s an interesting thought
Yeah, the crap car companies are pushing is dangerous. Imagine not being allowed to modify the software on your phone or computer. They are essentially arguing that.
This is one I can get behind.
At least the handful of pest species yes.
As I understand it, there are no mosquito-obligate predators, and other insects will likely satisfy the food chain
(Feel free to prove wrong)
Is it by magical means? Then name calling, mostly to watch Trump deal with it.
The 9/10 extension on gasoline pricing.
When this fuel was 13¢ per gallon, sure some folks might want to compete with finer-grained pricing.
It’s time to drop that pretense
No more internet gaming, all multiplayer gaming must be local, so that you can actually get your dumb ass up from the chair and punch (or be punched) by others, like our ancestors intended.
Anybody else owning cats. Then I can have all the cats. 🐱 🐈
The stock market.
But how will I know if I’m rich or poor without a nasdaq score telling me how the rich are feeling?
Unless it was part of it, multiple levels of packaging.
Open up a bag of chips. It’s bag, then chips. Perfect world.
Open up a box of cookies from hell. Open up the box. Open up the freshness seal bag. Pull out the individually wrapped cookies, and open those too.
Straight to jail. No question.
I would abolish toilets without bidets. You would be legally required to have a bidet in all bathrooms, private and public. Worldwide!
It’s ubiquitous in Vietnam, is it not where you live??
Everyone here being so serious.
Children in breweries. Fine, fine at least keeping the sanctity of 21 and over areas of breweries. When did breweries become a family affair? How come every place has to become a family friendly place, why can’t we have just a few adults only places?
No matter what I get some child screaming while I’m trying to enjoy a beer. And every parent will say “well where are they supposed to go” and my answer is always “literally anywhere else”. Everywhere is okay with kids. And then others will say “well mine are great” which I would say I don’t care, but other parents don’t care and ruin it for the rest. So if I got to abolish anything, it’s be kids in breweries.
We have this arcade/bar that was designed for and advertised as a place for adults. There are like 5 other arcade places nearby that are advertised as family friendly. And yet, they keep bringing their kids to the arcade bar. Why. Just why.
Unfortunately most people on Lemmy are extremely serious people.
Yes! I do not understand children in breweries. It seems like irresponsible parenting to me. Taking your kid with you to a place not meant for them, while you drink, and then getting into your car and driving your kid home after?
Just go have a beer at home ffs, and don’t subject me to your kid running around like a… Kid.
Then they argue that they have a right to go out don’t they? Which I say sure! But then you decided to have kids, so now you need to find someone to watch them. Instead they insist they belong in adult only venues
I saw this at my local brewery.
A bunch of bachelorettes with their penis straws and hats with SLUT in LEDs were having a fun time in the corner while some parents with their 8yo kids running circles around their table were also at the same brewery. Random guy in a trench coat with his giant dog. Nerd on his apple laptop.
Nobody was acting a fool or making a scene. But it was a strange moment.
As someone who works in booze your kids do not belong in my workplaces.
No matter what I get some child screaming while I’m trying to enjoy a beer.
At a brewery? What? Why?
Also, the propagation of the idea that you are poor because of the actions of even poorer people.
corporate fucking personhood. not that it exists but the friggin false idea that it should and any belief system that lead or may ever lead to it.
OP said ‘humorously’ not ‘to make the world a better place.’