Heaven, increases all feelings to their extreme quality. Hell, decreases all feelings to their minimum quality. So if someone dies feeling sorrow, rage, hate and goes to heaven they’re going to feel all those to their extreme, that is why god creating hell is actually an act of love because he wants us to feel sorrow, hate, rage as little as possible and feel love to its extreme.

  • WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 days ago

    Where are you getting this interpretation of heaven and hell from? I’ve never heard anything like it.

    I’m a Thelemite, and in our tradition, duality is an illusion. Good and evil, suffering and pleasure, life and death—we see these things as two sides of the same coin, and reaching an enlightened perspective through meditation can show you that they have never been opposites at all, rather a continuum.

    What you’ve described is basically a formula of “Heaven is LSD, Hell is heroin” and that doesn’t match up with anything I have experienced, read, or heard before. Without explaining your position more, I don’t really know how to discuss it.