I’m on 2 teaspoons a day.
Any studies out there about the negative effects of it?
Is Marmite poisoning a thing?
In the photo… that’s way too much on that toast.
I love marmite, but someone’s gonna get hurt!
Spread it on like Nutella is what I say.
Oh you poor innocent creature, those are rookie amounts. If isn’t a quarter inch thick it’s not worth eating.
Having 0 Marmite is bad for you.
Agreed. Next.
Is that two teaspoons of neat marmite?
Are you administrating it as you would with cough medicine??
As long as you’re not having more than say 6-7 slices of marmite on toast I think you’d be within the daily salt intake.
It’s good when you stir a teaspoon of it into gravy
I’m a moderately keen, but not very good cook, and Marmite goes in practically everything I make.
I mix it with butter and then snort it
I inject it into the gap between my big and second toe, as if I’ve ruined the rest of my veins (even though I haven’t).
As is tradition
Salted butter I hope
6-7 slices of marmite
you … you slice your marmite and apply it to toast as if it were luncheon meat??
Yeah, keep it in the fridge and it’s viscous enough to do that.
After years of trial and error, I now use one of those old school egg slicers
oh … well that’s nice, sounds err lovely *discretely calls animal control to come shoot you with a tranq dart*
Vicious was the word you were searching for. Don’t thank me.
It’s pretty high in salt and some vitamins but if you’re drinking plenty and not otherwise taking loads of salt you’re probably fine.
Like all things too much of anything is bad for you. I do wonder what the LD50 for marmite would be though. Probably a lot.
I do wonder what the LD50 for marmite would be though. Probably a lot.
Depends how hard they throw the jars at you.
Any amount is bad for me.
Once upon a time someone gave me some chocolate that was tainted with Marmite. Whoever invented that wanted the world to burn.
Never heard of Marmite chocolate before but I have had Marmite cheese. It wasn’t very good cheese though, good idea but terrible execution.
There are 2 components in Marmite that are present in really high concentrations that can eventually pose problems, the worst offender being salt.
Per the American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sodium/how-much-sodium-should-i-eat-per-day
The recommended daily limit for sodium intake is less than 2,300 milligrams
Marmite contains 490mg of salt per 8g serving, which could be approximately a teaspoon, but you can measure that yourself. This would bring the limit to 4 to 5 teaspoons a day to stay below the recommended intake.
The other component is Mono-Sodium Glutamate, which can lead to “increase in oxidative stress which could lead to alterations in the cardiovascular and renal function”, per the NIH https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9563186/
People get all bent out of shape about MSG. It’s basically just fancy salt.
According to the linked research, for an 80kg person, problematic amount of Marmite from the MSG contents standpoint would firmly sit around 1,4kg daily consumption, in which case you will be also ingesting definitely lethal 140g of salt, and even worse, more than 11 standard size jars of Marmite.
What would Americans know of the dangers of Marmite? I’m sure the British Heart Foundation have said that Marmite is perfectly safe at any amount. I’d provide facts, but I don’t need to.
Good point, the LD50 of Marmite for non-UK people is 1mg
Half that if you’re an overdramatic YouTuber.