I was watching the documentary “Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy” on Netflix and heard this comment when discussing waste generated from consumerism.

It made me realize, yes we don’t throw garbage “away” because away doesn’t exist … we just pass it on for someone else to deal with. Sometimes that next person might not deal with it right away but eventually someone has to deal with it.

  • vinnymac@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Assuming our universe turns out to be inside of a black hole, it’s possible that you’d potentially be yeeting your garbage into someone else’s universe. Ideally we have all universes yeet there garbage into the one we dedicated to garbage. Then the people at the end of time can deal with that instead of us. Although it’d be much more energy efficient to change compositions of matter than maintain an active black hole, so recycling may still be optimal over tossing your banana peel.