My girlfriends apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher and sometimes she’ll leave for work before me so I’ll do the dishes and clean up and make the bed and all that. And every time she’s surprised I have done such a thing.
I mean… What asshole guys isn’t doing this and why do the rest of us have to be compared to him!
2 years and her egg hasn’t cracked yet?
Chat I need to be clicker trained :3
I’m not a pog
“You’re my little pogchamp!”
Better be me
2 years? I’d castrate myself to get away from this woman after 2 dates.
Jesus fucking Christ, you don’t need to be so dramatic. You could just break up, weirdo. Nobody would be holding you hostage.
I’d castrate myself if it meant I could be with that woman
You say that now but this shit would get annoying real quick
Did you just castrate yourself? Good boy, saved your mommy some money!